Wednesday 27 July 2016

5 Reasons To Use Ioniser Air Purifier

The exponential growth in industries and urbanization has in the 21st century, resulted in severe air pollution all over. Today the air that we breathe is not so pure. As per the latest statistics, nearly a million premature deaths in India are linked to air pollution. This number is quite big.

The best possible solution to this crisis is using a good air purifier indoors. An ionizer air purifier is readily available these days in the market. Let’s have a look at some benefits of using one indoors.

1) First and foremost, an air purifier completely eliminates bacteria, dust, pollen grains, cigarette smoke etc. from the air, and makes the environment around completely free of pollutants.
2) Air purifiers are particularly designed for asthma patients as well. These purifiers destroy particles causing allergies and other impurities, thus making the air safe for breathing.
3) Some studies have shown that an air purifier has positive effects on mental health. It helps reduce anxiety and depression and also helps in giving a sound sleep and comfort. It also improves your mood and makes you feel less tired. It also improves your efficiency to work. This is a result of the negatively charged ions present in them.
4) Apart from killing germs and harmful particles, an air purifier improves the odour of the air in the room. If there is any foul odour or cigarette smoke, it will get rid of the smell instantly, making the atmosphere pleasant to be in.
5) Many other benefits are, decreased blood pressure and increase in resistance to any kind of infection, thus it overall improves the immunity of anyone using it.

The first name that one can think of for an air purifier is KENT. Kent is a renowned brand that has made revolutionary advancements in purification technology. It is also known for having reasonable air purifier prices, and is a highly recommended brand. Kent is a brand that has air purifiers with ioniser technology. So, if you are looking for an ioniser air purifier hope this helps your decision.

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