Wednesday 30 December 2015

Know what makes a ‘Best Water Purifier’

We live in a world where water is one of the most polluted things and slowly degrading in its portability value. Be it any type of pollution, it is directly or indirectly causing a major harm to the quality of water that we drink. With the groundwater level decreasing and soil pollutants reaching the groundwater level, the already scarce element is corrupting.

With urban and even rural households shifting their resort to electric water purifiers, it’s a good sign for the modern India in having a healthy lifestyle. Though the usage of water purifiers is fast prevalent, it’s a common mistake of trusting our water purification techniques completely. More often the purifiers do not deliver what they promise and usually lack in major aspects of cleaning water to make it fit for drinking.

The word ‘Water Purifier’ is quite self explanatory and makes us believe that any appliance under
KENT Purifiers
this category does the same job as any other variant of it. What’s important to understand in water purification is the technology used in it. There are dozens of techniques to purify water, each with one or two or even more drawbacks. So a water purifier would be considered the best only if it fulfills the doings in this sentence: ‘Eliminating all kinds of impurities (Suspended or Dissolved) and at the same time retaining the dissolved essential minerals in the water’.

Right from boiling to carbon cleaning to UV/UF techniques, none of them fulfills the above stated requirement. Some eliminates the suspended impurities and is non-effective on microbes whereas some eliminate all pathogens but are futile on viruses present in water. The most used technology i.e. Reverse Osmosis (RO) cleans water from all kinds of impurities but also detains the essential minerals of water. This may safeguard the user from diseases and allergies caused by bacteria, viruses and other pathogens present in water but are keeping the user deprived from the minerals that our body requires which are gained only through water.

The only brand till date to have mastered the segment by innovating a water purifier that fulfills the requirement of being the best water purifier is Kent. Its electric water purifier uses the combination of RO+UV+UF technology to provide clean water and its TDS controller retains the essential minerals making it clean and healthy water. Kent with its innovative design not only works in favor of purifying water but also understands the scarcity of water that the world is facing. So with its RO technology, they make sure that the impure water left behind after purification is collected in a different tank so that it can be used in other ways like farming, domestic use etc. These aspects of Kent’s electric water purifier make it a must-have appliance and the best in its segment.

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Is your Water Filter TDS controlled yet?

A rather common speculation made in day-to-day life is that filtered water is safe to drink. It’s a common practice of making sure that the water you are consuming is from a water filter, giving us solace of being considerate about our hygiene practices. But even the literate masses of the country are pretty unaware about the basic functionality of a water filter and its different technologies. Decade by decade there has been rapid advancement in purification techniques, but still major health problems we deal with are water borne. This shows how much we lag in keeping up with these modern technologies. Reading further will answer your doubt of ‘How to choose the best water filter?’

Boiling water for purification is one of the oldest and commonly used techniques, but lacks conveniently in providing pure water. Then came the era where carbon filtration proved to be the best but eventually lacked in several spheres. UV and Ultra Filtration are most prevalent and have been adequately working in favor of purifying water by eliminating bacteria and viruses. But when it comes to dissolved impurities and heavy metals, these techniques are futile. So to overcome this gap, the technology of Reverse Osmosis (RO) came up. Using a membrane to filter out pure water and leaving the dirt behind is the basic understanding for RO. Being so efficient, RO literally separates out pure water eliminating all the impurities along with the much needed essential minerals of the water. Thus even with having one of the most accurate technology in water filtration, we fail to get healthy water.

So we have gone through almost all the techniques of water filtration currently in use, and all of them have their pros and cons. But none of them gives us the perfect answer of being the best water filter. Combining all the above listed modern techniques, we get pure and clean water but without the essential minerals in them. So to get the best water filter we need to have a purifier that is RO+UV+UF and a technology to control the elimination of the essential minerals. This is known as TDS (totally dissolved impurities) controller.

One of the best and the only brand to have TDS controller in their water purifiers is Kent. This patented technology of Kent has proved to be a revolutionary method of water purification, giving us pure water with minerals. Thus making the water not just pure but healthy to drink!

Monday 28 December 2015

How to purify water to make it healthy?

Right from the days of having water from wells and rains, to purifying it with cloth, boiling it and carbon cleaning, we have come a long way in water purifying techniques. With every era passing by, we have reached a point where great innovations of its time, in water purification, have failed to reach satisfactory results. Not that the innovations were poor, but the quality of water in the ecosystem is deteriorating by the day. Advanced water purification technologies like UF filtration, UV filtration and RO technology have been in trend. However, every technology has its pros and cons.

So what is to be done to have safe drinking water, one may ask? Everyone has a water purifier at their homes, work places, etc. and almost everyone is under the impression that it is enough. Well, actually it is! Nothing more than having a water purifier can be done on daily basis to have safe drinking water. The matter of concern is that which kind of technology your purifier uses. If it’s on just carbon cleaning, then you have to realize that this technology is well past its prime. It is however effective if you use it in combination with other water purification technologies.

Since then, advanced water purification technologies like UF filtration, UV filtration and RO technology have been in trend. However, every technology has its pros and cons. UF helps in getting rid of bacteria and cysts but has no effect on viruses. UV eliminates bacteria, cysts and viruses but can do nothing about dissolved impurities. RO technology is so potent that it not only removes microbes and dissolved impurities but also takes away the essential minerals of water. So if your water purifier is working on one of these or more techniques, you probably are not getting healthy water to drink.

Some may argue that if a water purifier is functioning on all the techniques mentioned above, we are getting purified and clean water. But what good is a glass of water that only quenches your thirst deriving you from it essential minerals? The application of a purifier should not be just to make it fit for drinking; it should be to make it healthy for drinking.

Kent, a leading brand in water purifiers has to their name a technology that completes all the short comings in water purification segment. With raw water passing through sediment filtration and carbon cleaning, they also go through UF, UV and RO. But the concept of TDS (Totally Dissolved Solids) control which they follow, they manage to retain the minerals of water required for our body. TDS are basically all the minerals, ions and metals present in water. But by ‘TDS Controller’ they eliminate all the heavy metals and control the retaining of minerals. Which makes their technology an apt way of purifying water. So keep up with the pace of this modern world and choose the best for your health. 

Are your fruits and vegetables clean after washing?

Washing fruits and vegetables before using them, is a common practice in our day-to-day lives. If extra cautious, washing them in warm water brings a lot of satisfaction to us. However, is it really effective enough?

Spraying of pesticides and insecticides in farming is no hidden fact. Nor are its adverse effects on human health. Still somehow people think that washing fruits and vegetables before using them is enough. So, how to clean your fruits and vegetables to make them fit for eating?

Fruits and vegetables are laced not only with chemicals used during farming but are also a hub for bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. Various air suspended particles are mostly not visible to naked eyes. Washing in water (or hot water) may help get rid of dust and dry particles, but is ineffective towards microbes. Intake of these pathogens and chemicals usually result in health issues. It may lead to allergies, throat infections or even gastro complications. Pesticide poisoning could lead to even worse. Cases of neurological disabilities like loss of memory, loss of coordination, reduced speed of response to stimuli, reduced visual ability, altered or uncontrollable mood and general behavior, and reduced motor skills have been registered. So the answer is ozone, a natural oxidizing agent that is anti bacterial in nature. Yes, ozone does more than just keeping the UV rays out of our atmosphere.  This powerful gas could be the way to purify your eatables at micro level.

We are not suggesting the idea of setting up a lab to produce ozone for purifying purpose! All you fruit and vegetable purifier, a great innovation to fulfill your purifying needs with its application in almost every segment. A machine with a unit to keep in your fruits and vegetables that uses water with ozone gas to get them cleaned.
need is Ozone based

To meet these needs in Purification Technology, Kent provides the consumers with an apt machine. The ‘Kent’s Ozone Vegetable and Fruit Purifier’ is the perfect solution to this neglected problem all across India. Its innovative technology and modular space saving design make it suitable for all households. You can get it placed in two options, table mounted or wall mounted as it suits your needs. The fact that it uses the natural oxygen present in the atmosphere to produce ozone makes it free from consumables and maintenance free. Not only will it reduce all sorts of bacteria, viruses, other pathogens and chemicals but will also de-odorize your sea food, meat, fruits and vegetables. If this isn’t enough, it has other applications too. The purified ozonized water can be used for bathing and cleaning feet to help prevent fungal infections and ringworms.

So go ahead and choose a Healthier Lifestyle for yourself and your loved ones!