Wednesday 30 December 2015

Know what makes a ‘Best Water Purifier’

We live in a world where water is one of the most polluted things and slowly degrading in its portability value. Be it any type of pollution, it is directly or indirectly causing a major harm to the quality of water that we drink. With the groundwater level decreasing and soil pollutants reaching the groundwater level, the already scarce element is corrupting.

With urban and even rural households shifting their resort to electric water purifiers, it’s a good sign for the modern India in having a healthy lifestyle. Though the usage of water purifiers is fast prevalent, it’s a common mistake of trusting our water purification techniques completely. More often the purifiers do not deliver what they promise and usually lack in major aspects of cleaning water to make it fit for drinking.

The word ‘Water Purifier’ is quite self explanatory and makes us believe that any appliance under
KENT Purifiers
this category does the same job as any other variant of it. What’s important to understand in water purification is the technology used in it. There are dozens of techniques to purify water, each with one or two or even more drawbacks. So a water purifier would be considered the best only if it fulfills the doings in this sentence: ‘Eliminating all kinds of impurities (Suspended or Dissolved) and at the same time retaining the dissolved essential minerals in the water’.

Right from boiling to carbon cleaning to UV/UF techniques, none of them fulfills the above stated requirement. Some eliminates the suspended impurities and is non-effective on microbes whereas some eliminate all pathogens but are futile on viruses present in water. The most used technology i.e. Reverse Osmosis (RO) cleans water from all kinds of impurities but also detains the essential minerals of water. This may safeguard the user from diseases and allergies caused by bacteria, viruses and other pathogens present in water but are keeping the user deprived from the minerals that our body requires which are gained only through water.

The only brand till date to have mastered the segment by innovating a water purifier that fulfills the requirement of being the best water purifier is Kent. Its electric water purifier uses the combination of RO+UV+UF technology to provide clean water and its TDS controller retains the essential minerals making it clean and healthy water. Kent with its innovative design not only works in favor of purifying water but also understands the scarcity of water that the world is facing. So with its RO technology, they make sure that the impure water left behind after purification is collected in a different tank so that it can be used in other ways like farming, domestic use etc. These aspects of Kent’s electric water purifier make it a must-have appliance and the best in its segment.

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Is your Water Filter TDS controlled yet?

A rather common speculation made in day-to-day life is that filtered water is safe to drink. It’s a common practice of making sure that the water you are consuming is from a water filter, giving us solace of being considerate about our hygiene practices. But even the literate masses of the country are pretty unaware about the basic functionality of a water filter and its different technologies. Decade by decade there has been rapid advancement in purification techniques, but still major health problems we deal with are water borne. This shows how much we lag in keeping up with these modern technologies. Reading further will answer your doubt of ‘How to choose the best water filter?’

Boiling water for purification is one of the oldest and commonly used techniques, but lacks conveniently in providing pure water. Then came the era where carbon filtration proved to be the best but eventually lacked in several spheres. UV and Ultra Filtration are most prevalent and have been adequately working in favor of purifying water by eliminating bacteria and viruses. But when it comes to dissolved impurities and heavy metals, these techniques are futile. So to overcome this gap, the technology of Reverse Osmosis (RO) came up. Using a membrane to filter out pure water and leaving the dirt behind is the basic understanding for RO. Being so efficient, RO literally separates out pure water eliminating all the impurities along with the much needed essential minerals of the water. Thus even with having one of the most accurate technology in water filtration, we fail to get healthy water.

So we have gone through almost all the techniques of water filtration currently in use, and all of them have their pros and cons. But none of them gives us the perfect answer of being the best water filter. Combining all the above listed modern techniques, we get pure and clean water but without the essential minerals in them. So to get the best water filter we need to have a purifier that is RO+UV+UF and a technology to control the elimination of the essential minerals. This is known as TDS (totally dissolved impurities) controller.

One of the best and the only brand to have TDS controller in their water purifiers is Kent. This patented technology of Kent has proved to be a revolutionary method of water purification, giving us pure water with minerals. Thus making the water not just pure but healthy to drink!

Monday 28 December 2015

How to purify water to make it healthy?

Right from the days of having water from wells and rains, to purifying it with cloth, boiling it and carbon cleaning, we have come a long way in water purifying techniques. With every era passing by, we have reached a point where great innovations of its time, in water purification, have failed to reach satisfactory results. Not that the innovations were poor, but the quality of water in the ecosystem is deteriorating by the day. Advanced water purification technologies like UF filtration, UV filtration and RO technology have been in trend. However, every technology has its pros and cons.

So what is to be done to have safe drinking water, one may ask? Everyone has a water purifier at their homes, work places, etc. and almost everyone is under the impression that it is enough. Well, actually it is! Nothing more than having a water purifier can be done on daily basis to have safe drinking water. The matter of concern is that which kind of technology your purifier uses. If it’s on just carbon cleaning, then you have to realize that this technology is well past its prime. It is however effective if you use it in combination with other water purification technologies.

Since then, advanced water purification technologies like UF filtration, UV filtration and RO technology have been in trend. However, every technology has its pros and cons. UF helps in getting rid of bacteria and cysts but has no effect on viruses. UV eliminates bacteria, cysts and viruses but can do nothing about dissolved impurities. RO technology is so potent that it not only removes microbes and dissolved impurities but also takes away the essential minerals of water. So if your water purifier is working on one of these or more techniques, you probably are not getting healthy water to drink.

Some may argue that if a water purifier is functioning on all the techniques mentioned above, we are getting purified and clean water. But what good is a glass of water that only quenches your thirst deriving you from it essential minerals? The application of a purifier should not be just to make it fit for drinking; it should be to make it healthy for drinking.

Kent, a leading brand in water purifiers has to their name a technology that completes all the short comings in water purification segment. With raw water passing through sediment filtration and carbon cleaning, they also go through UF, UV and RO. But the concept of TDS (Totally Dissolved Solids) control which they follow, they manage to retain the minerals of water required for our body. TDS are basically all the minerals, ions and metals present in water. But by ‘TDS Controller’ they eliminate all the heavy metals and control the retaining of minerals. Which makes their technology an apt way of purifying water. So keep up with the pace of this modern world and choose the best for your health. 

Are your fruits and vegetables clean after washing?

Washing fruits and vegetables before using them, is a common practice in our day-to-day lives. If extra cautious, washing them in warm water brings a lot of satisfaction to us. However, is it really effective enough?

Spraying of pesticides and insecticides in farming is no hidden fact. Nor are its adverse effects on human health. Still somehow people think that washing fruits and vegetables before using them is enough. So, how to clean your fruits and vegetables to make them fit for eating?

Fruits and vegetables are laced not only with chemicals used during farming but are also a hub for bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. Various air suspended particles are mostly not visible to naked eyes. Washing in water (or hot water) may help get rid of dust and dry particles, but is ineffective towards microbes. Intake of these pathogens and chemicals usually result in health issues. It may lead to allergies, throat infections or even gastro complications. Pesticide poisoning could lead to even worse. Cases of neurological disabilities like loss of memory, loss of coordination, reduced speed of response to stimuli, reduced visual ability, altered or uncontrollable mood and general behavior, and reduced motor skills have been registered. So the answer is ozone, a natural oxidizing agent that is anti bacterial in nature. Yes, ozone does more than just keeping the UV rays out of our atmosphere.  This powerful gas could be the way to purify your eatables at micro level.

We are not suggesting the idea of setting up a lab to produce ozone for purifying purpose! All you fruit and vegetable purifier, a great innovation to fulfill your purifying needs with its application in almost every segment. A machine with a unit to keep in your fruits and vegetables that uses water with ozone gas to get them cleaned.
need is Ozone based

To meet these needs in Purification Technology, Kent provides the consumers with an apt machine. The ‘Kent’s Ozone Vegetable and Fruit Purifier’ is the perfect solution to this neglected problem all across India. Its innovative technology and modular space saving design make it suitable for all households. You can get it placed in two options, table mounted or wall mounted as it suits your needs. The fact that it uses the natural oxygen present in the atmosphere to produce ozone makes it free from consumables and maintenance free. Not only will it reduce all sorts of bacteria, viruses, other pathogens and chemicals but will also de-odorize your sea food, meat, fruits and vegetables. If this isn’t enough, it has other applications too. The purified ozonized water can be used for bathing and cleaning feet to help prevent fungal infections and ringworms.

So go ahead and choose a Healthier Lifestyle for yourself and your loved ones!

Wednesday 25 November 2015

The dangers of drinking water without purifying

Due to rapid development, tremendous increase in population, heavy industrialization, increase in carbon footprint etc., the pollution level in our water bodies has increased tremendously.  More than 50% of people in India do not have access to clean drinking water.

The presence of contaminants in water can lead to health issues, including gastrointestinal illness, reproductive problems, and neurological disorders. Infants, young children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people whose immune systems are compromised because of AIDS, chemotherapy, or transplant medications, may be especially susceptible to illness from some contaminants.

With the constant rise of water-borne diseases, it is necessary that we use water purifiers to obtain clean drinking water. However, before you purchase a water purifier, you should have your water checked for the types of contaminants present.

Here’s a look at some of the impurities present in water -

1) Bacteria and Viruses - These microorganisms can lead to numerous complications like nausea, food poisoning, cholera etc.
2) Fluoride - Even though it is a compound that does have several positives, it can be toxic to the nerves. It can stain your teeth despite the fact that it can clean teeth too.
3) Chlorine – In large amounts, this chemical can affect the respiratory system as well as leave a bad taste.
4) Lead – Considered as one of the most poisonous amongst metals. It has the capability of causing permanent damage to our nervous system, the brain as well as the kidneys.
5) Mercury – The negative effects of this poisonous metal are well documented. This metal is known to affect the brain and other internal organs.

These contaminants reach our drinking water via various means. Let’s have a close look at the reasons.

1) Urbanization: The last few decades have witnessed a dramatic population increase. This has increased the demand for clothes, housing and food. As more cities and towns are being built, farmers have increased the use of fertilizers to produce more food. These fertilizers seep through the soil and contaminate water bodies. The increase in construction activities, increasing discharge of chemicals from industries to produce more materials has also done a great deal of damage to our water bodies.
2) Untreated Sewage: Sewage, garbage and liquid waste of households and factories are discharged into rivers and lakes. Harmful chemicals and toxins, which make the water poisonous for aquatic animals and plants, are present heavily in this untreated water.
3) Industrial Waste: Industrial waste contains pollutants like lead, asbestos, petrochemicals and mercury, which makes it extremely harmful to both people and the environment. Industrial waste is discharged into lakes and rivers by using fresh water, contaminating the water.

The above-mentioned factors have given rise to the need of low cost water purifiers. It is imperative to have a water filter in our kitchens, irrespective of the source of water supply. Kent, a brand that is known as the House of Purity, has come up with a number of innovative water purifiers, over the years.

Why it is necessary to use the best water purifier in India?

We have been pumping a lot of toxic metals and minerals in our water. Drinking impure water may well expose you to unwanted health disorders. Therefore, drinking purified water that comes from a water purifier is actually a must.

It is no wonder that due to this very reason, water purification systems are in great demand today. The most important factor in a water purifier is the technology that it uses. The most used water purification technology is the Reverse Osmosis (RO) purification technology.

Reverse Osmosis is a proven technology that has been used successfully on a commercial basis. One of the better known uses of RO is the removal of salt from seawater. Reverse Osmosis units remove many inorganic contaminants from household drinking water supplies. The removal effectiveness depends on the contaminant and its concentration, the membrane selected, the water pressure and proper installation.

The semi-permeable membrane used in Reverse Osmosis contains tiny pores through which water can flow. The small pores of this membrane are restrictive to such organic compounds as salt and other natural minerals, which generally have a larger molecular composition than water.

These pores also restrict bacteria and disease-causing pathogens. Thus, reverse osmosis is incredibly effective at desalinating water and providing mineral-free water for use in photo or print shops. It is also effective at providing pathogen-free water.

In areas not receiving municipally treated water or at particular risk of waterborne diseases, Reverse Osmosis is an ideal process of contaminant removal. RO systems are used in two applications - industrial treatment and household water treatment.

Advantages of RO System:

1. Very effective in reducing suspended as well as dissolved impurities.

Disadvantages of RO System:

1. RO technology uses a very fine membrane, which has a pore size of 0.0001 micron. The process requires raw water to be forced at a very high pressure so that water passes through the small pores of the membrane, which blocks the bacteria, germs and other impurities from passing through. This technology is so efficient that it even eliminates essential minerals from the water.

Kent has come up with mineral RO technology that has all the advantages of RO water purifiers but not the disadvantages. Kent mineral RO uses a combination of RO+UV+UF+TDS control system to provide the cleanest water possible. No wonder that it is considered as the best water purifier in India.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

How water filter can help you Detox efficiently?

Over the years, detoxifying the body has become a very important regime for staying healthy. Detoxifying has numerous health benefits. However, there is a long list of all the different ideas, types and hypes of detoxification. Many of them are just over rated while the majors are often not considered. 

A detox where you starve and drink liters of fluid for a short-term, is not always the best nor a great idea. The awareness of increasing chemicals and toxins in the air we breathe, the soil our food is grown in, or the water we drink is reality and unfortunately, there is no escaping from it. 

Here’s a look at different means of detoxification

1) Eat right: Adding foods that naturally detox in your everyday diet can be extremely beneficial. These should be in addition to a whole, real foods diet. They are also very easy to digest and full of nutrients, which is an added bonus in the detox process. Fruits like oranges, lemons, and limes aid the body in flushing out toxins and jump starting the digestive tract with enzymatic processes. Lemon juice aids the liver in its cleansing processes. Try starting each morning with a warm glass of lemon water. Green plants will help give a chlorophyll-boost to your digestive tract and are very cleansing to your system. Other foods like: Onions, carrots, artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, kale, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, beet, turmeric, and oregano are great to help cleanse the body. These are high in naturally occurring sulphur and glutathione. Sulphur helps the liver detoxify harmful chemicals. It’s important to add raw veggies to your diet, as the digestive enzymes are very beneficial in the natural detox process.

2) Exercise: Not only does exercise make you feel better, but also it’s an easy way to help your body in its natural detoxification process. Exercise promotes the detoxification process giving all systems of the body a boost. As you exercise, the blood circulates throughout the body, bringing nutrients to all the organs and muscles. As you do aerobic exercise you build up a sweat and toxins are released through the pores of the skin. It’s important to rinse off after heavy sweating to help rid the body of those toxins.

3) Drink water: Drinking water will ensure that toxins and waste from the body are flushed out and that it transports nutrients to where they are needed. Our kidney system is unique in its filtering capabilities and totally dependent upon water in order for it to work. The kidneys remove waste products from the blood, eliminate toxic substances in the urine, and receive water-soluble toxins from the liver for processing. They filter voluminous amounts of blood each day and in doing so maintain the body’s water balance and excrete toxins and excess fluid through the bladder. Daily fluid intake is essential for our bodies to function efficiently. However, we must ensure that we consume clean water for effective results. Traditional methods of water purification like boiling and cloth filtration do not effectively eliminate contaminants. Drink water that has been purified by a water filter for best results.

Thursday 29 October 2015

Air purifiers at a glance

It is a well documented fact that indoor air is more polluted from the air outside. This may be because of the fact that homes or offices today are virtually sealed to make use of air conditioner or heater more efficiently. This stops fresh air from circulating inside.

While some pollutants like pollen come from outdoors, some pollutants are created indoors itself. Carbon monoxide, for example, is usually the result of heat combustion produced by furnaces, cigarettes or auto exhaust. Cooking vapour is another such example of pollutant created indoors.

Here are other pollutants present in the air -

1) Microbes: Germs, Viruses, Bacteria and mould spores
2) Odours: From cigarette smoke, cooking and pets
3) Gases and Chemical Fumes: Chemical fumes from wall paint, formaldehyde, nail treatment products, etc.
4) Particulates: Allergens, dust, dust mites, pollen, particles in smoke

All these suspended substances make the air unhealthy and put our health to great risk. Therefore, we need an air purifier to reduce these impurities and purify the air that we breathe.

Devices that reduce pollutants such as dust, dirt and pollen grains are known as air purifiers. They can help in reducing second hand tobacco smoke. Your children and other loved ones are often subjected to inhalation of tobacco smoke in your home. If you want to avoid that, use of an air purifier is suggested. You will be pleased with result.

It is easy to see why air purifiers in India are in huge demand. These machines benefit families who own pets. Many quality air purifiers can trap pet hair as well as the stink from their droppings, both of which are great health hazards. People who own business related to pets and healthcare, for example vets, pet shops or even hospitals, should use one. Clean and fresh air also makes you feel energetic.

With the rise of pollution levels in India and increase in number of cases of asthma, sales of air purifiers have reached a new height.

KENT Ozone Air Purifiers produce Ozone Gas, a highly reactive oxidant with the exceptional power to kill Bacteria, Viruses & harmful germs present in air.

Wednesday 28 October 2015

A vivid description of RO water purifiers

Reverse Osmosis (RO) is a water purification technology that uses a semi permeable membrane to remove impurities from drinking water. In reverse osmosis, an applied pressure is used to overcome osmotic pressure, a colligative property that is driven by chemical potential, a thermodynamic parameter. Reverse osmosis can remove many types of molecules and ions from solutions, including bacteria, and is used in both industrial processes and the production of clean drinking water.

Reverse Osmosis (RO) purification process is essential and effective in reducing harmful dissolved impurities like arsenic, fluorides, heavy metals, etc. During purification, conventional RO water purifiers waste a very high percentage of water (around 80%) while retaining only 20% of purified water. The amount of water wasted was serious concern for Kent, keeping in mind the fact that many people do not have access to water, leave alone clean drinking water.

Keeping all these factors in mind, Kent has developed an innovative and patented technology, which offers no water wastage in RO purifiers. The heart of this technology is a computer-controlled process wherein the membrane is washed automatically and more than 50% of water intake is recovered as purified water. The remaining rejected water is stored in a separate ‘Reject Water Tank’, which can be utilized by consumers for household purposes. The final result is no water wastage. This technology can be found in Kent Supreme water purifier.

This innovative machine is backed up with Kent's patented Mineral RO technology that provides double purification of RO + UV + UF. This technology removes even dissolved impurities such as chemicals and salts. The TDS controller maintains essential natural minerals, thereby providing safe drinking water, which is ideal for consumption. Unlike UV and only RO purifiers, Kent Supreme removes dissolved impurities like chemicals, pesticides, rust, etc. in water while retaining essential natural minerals that are required in drinking water.

Kent Supreme can purify water from different sources such as bore-wells, overhead storage tanks, water tankers and even municipal taps. The technology in Kent Supreme allows the user to adjust the TDS level of purified water and thus breaks the myth that RO purifier can only be used for raw water having TDS level greater than 500 ppm.

The fully automatic operation present in Kent Supreme allows the purifier to begin purification whenever water level in the purified and water storage tank falls below maximum. Level sensors ensure that the purifier is automatically shut off when either of the tanks is full. This ensures trouble free operation without the need of manual intervention.

All these features make Kent Supreme one of the best water purifiers in India.

Tuesday 27 October 2015

The Most Effective Method of Obtaining Clean Water

We are living in the age of industrialization and development. Everywhere you look, you can find traces of pollutants and their source as well. The sight of towering chimneys spewing black and contaminant laced smoke is sight that we all are familiar with, isn’t it? All these methods of water purification are capable of removing contaminants from water. However, some advanced water purifiers, like Kent’s Mineral RO prefer using a combination of RO+UV+UF+TDS control to provide clean drinking water.

Apart from spewing smoke into the atmosphere, many of these industries are conclusively interconnected to our water system. Many chemical factories need to discharge waste. This waste often ends up in our rivers or lakes. Laws of the country have not been enough to deter these companies from doing so.

Farming may seem safe, however, we often fail to notice that the fertilizers and pesticides that is used during farming consists of harmful chemicals. These chemicals seep through the ground and contaminate the ground water sources.

The above-mentioned reasons are enough to encourage one to drink purified water. There are two different ways of obtaining clean drinking water. Here’s a look at them.

1) Bottled water: Many people searching an alternative to the contaminated tap water find solace in bottled water. However, studies suggest that bottled water may not be as safe as it is often perceived to be. In fact, the majority of evidence shows that it’s worse for your health than tap water. The issue with plastic is that it leaches toxins into the water it is holding, a fact that has been linked to different types of cancer. It is also noted that many water-bottling companies merely sell tap water in the name of purified mineral water.

2) Water purifiers: The best way to obtain clean drinking water is by installing a water purifier. Water purifiers are devices that use a purification technology to eliminate contaminants in water. These life saving devices can use either of the below mentioned purification technologies.

1) Reverse Osmosis technology (RO)
2) Ultra Violet technology (UV)
3) Gravity based UF technology

All these methods of water purification are capable of removing contaminants from water. However, some advanced water purifiers, like Kent’s Mineral RO prefer using a combination of RO+UV+UF+TDS control to provide clean drinking water. This unique combination also ensures that minerals that essential to our body are not lost.

Kent RO Systems Limited is a 21st century healthcare products company with a vision to make the world a healthy and a happy place. Pioneers in bringing the revolutionary Reverse Osmosis (RO) technology to India, KENT started its operations from Noida, India in 1999.

Today, the group is recognized worldwide as a company that produces some of the best water purifiers in India. 

Monday 28 September 2015

Understanding TDS in water

Those days are long gone when water could be consumed directly without a second thought. The situation has completely changed now. The lakes, ponds, rivers, dams etc. are often polluted with factory and domestic waste and hence, it has become highly essential to purify water before consuming it. Apart from this, excessive usage of pesticides in agricultural fields for enhanced crop yields has also increased the pollution level in ground water.

The tap water that you receive from the municipal corporation often remains contaminated. This is due to the fact that they use outdated and inefficient methods of water purification. During its journey to your home, water often comes in contact with rusted and burst pipelines. This also leads high level of TDS in water.

What is TDS in water? Total dissolved solids (TDS) comprises of inorganic salts (principally calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, bicarbonates, chlorides, and sulfates) and some small amounts of organic matter that are dissolved in water.

Effects of TDS are as follows -

1) The concentration of TDS may cause the water to be corrosive, salty or brackish taste, result in scale formation, and interfere and decrease efficiency of hot water heaters.

2) Many contain elevated levels of ions that are above the norms, such as an elevated level of nitrate, arsenic, aluminum, copper, lead, etc.

TDS in drinking water originate from natural sources, sewage, industrial waste water, and chemicals used in the water treatment process. The astounding rise in water pollution has led to the rise of water purification methods.

Boiling is water is one of the oldest water purification and is considered to be safe. Boiling water successfully eliminates pathogens but remains ineffective against suspended impurities and chemicals.

Reverse osmosis is considered to be the most efficient water purifiers of all. It is so efficient that it eliminates everything from water, minerals includes. These minerals are important to keep our body healthy.

Kent has come up with a water purifier that has all the advantages of other water purification technologies but without any of its disadvantages. It uses a combination of RO+UV+UF+TDS control to provide clean, clear, better tasting and mineral filled water.

This water purifier eliminates suspended as well as dissolved impurities. The biggest advantage of this water purifier is that you can control the TDS level in water. This ensures that you get the minerals in water without the contaminants.

Why use a water purifier?

According to studies, 70% of the country’s population lives, is routinely contaminated with toxic and bacteria. Every year, about 600,000 Indian children are affected by diarrhea or pneumonia, often caused by toxic water. Lack of clean water has even gone beyond affecting the health of Indians. 

Water is contaminated with impurities, salts, fluorides and even dust and even with dirt at time.  These days even fresh water is not safe to drink. It needs proper purification before consumption. 

Water is an essential commodity, which is used for drinking, cooking, washing and many similar purposes. It is very necessary to purify water before consuming it in any way. Water purifiers are becoming handy for this purpose. 

Water Purifiers:

The concept of water purification through reverse osmosis is not very old and is fast gaining popularity due to its various advantages. Water Purifiers are essential kitchen appliances, which clean and soften water by the process of reverse osmosis. 

Water is made to pass through various filters and these filters work to remove all possible impurities to purify and soften the water. The only drawback of reverse osmosis is that it deprives water of all possible minerals, as it can’t differentiate between the good and the bad. 

Advantages of water purifiers:

Electric water purifiers such as Kent’s mineral RO are capable of eliminating suspended as well as dissolved impurities. This is because they use a combination of RO+UV+UF+TDS technology to purify water. 

Water purifiers like Kent’s Mineral RO helps to control the TDS level in water. 

Bottled water is very costly. Water is not filtered in front of its user, so there is no guarantee of its quality. Users are not sure of proper cleaning of bottles as well. 

With water purifiers, users have added advantage of getting unlimited supply of safe drinking water making it easy to consume and ready to use. Use this water for cooking and drinking. 

It saves money and energy, both. Since bottled water is costly so installing water purifiers has reduced their cost tremendously. Also lifting big bottles requires lot of energy. Therefore, users can save upon both money and energy. 

The most important part of water purification is of supplying healthy and safe drinking water at affordable prices and that too with ease. 

With the facilities of online shopping gaining popularity, many brands have started selling water purifiers online. This helps the consumer choose between the different brands, water purification technologies, etc.

Saturday 26 September 2015

Water Softeners - A brief look

What is hard water?

Hard water is basically a high concentration of minerals in the water, most commonly dissolved compounds of calcium and magnesium, either as carbonates or sulphates. Water hardness is measured by how many parts per million (ppm) of the minerals are dissolved in the water.

What are the causes of hard water?

Hard water can be either temporary or permanent.

Temporary hardness in water is often caused by the presence of dissolved carbonate minerals (calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate). Boiling hard water precipitates the calcium carbonate out of solution, leaving water that is softer when it cools. However, suspended particle remain unaffected even after boiling.

Permanent hardness is usually caused by the presence of calcium and magnesium sulphates in the water. These salts become more soluble as the temperature increases, and cannot be eliminated by boiling. Despite the name, permanent hardness can be removed.

Both kinds of hardness, temporary and permanent, can be removed by installing a water softener, which filters out most of the minerals suspended in the water.

What are the effects of hard water?

Below mentioned are some effects of hard water.

On Clothes:

Hard water prevents formation of adequate lather, which leads to higher soap consumption. What's more, clothes become stiff, rough and remain dirty even after washing.

While Bathing:

Bathing with hard water makes hair sticky and leads to hair loss as well. Also the skin feels dry and itchy after bathing.

On Dishes:

Using hard water while cleaning, leads to the formation of chalky white spots on utensils and cutlery. This further reduces their life span.

Hard water can also clog your pipes and prevent your washing machine from operating at full efficiency.

In commercial applications, hard water can present a real problem. Hard water deposits (off-white scales) can clog pipes. It can be deposited on the surfaces of pipes and heat exchangers, restricting the flow of water, and compromising the efficiency of the heat exchanger. In some cases, it even causes corrosion. Mineral deposits can also cause metal boiler components to
overheat, and can cause the boiler to fail.

Installing and maintaining a water softener, as part of industrial water treatment strategies will usually alleviate the problem.

Kent Mini Water Softener is the world's first compact water softener that converts hard water into soft water in an easy and convenient manner. It can be easily fitted to your washing machine, geyser and dishwasher. Kent is known as ‘House of Purity’ due to its immense contribution in the field of water purification.

Friday 25 September 2015

How to purify water without eliminating the minerals?

How important are the minerals present in water? Minerals present in the water like sodium, calcium, magnesium and iron are very important for the general health of our body. Drinking natural mineral water is the best way to ensure daily intake of these minerals.

Below mentioned are some minerals that are important for our bodies,

1) Calcium:  It is required to maintain and increase the strength of bones, teeth and cartilage.
2) Magnesium: It helps maintain muscular and nervous equilibrium.
3) Iron: This mineral is important in building up hemoglobin, the oxygen carrier in our blood.
4) Iodine: It helps regulate the growth of thyroid gland.

Water filled with minerals is recommended for skin and hair too. The minerals present in water enhance the health of skin and hair – not only from outside but from inside too. Moisturizing the skin from clean and pure mineral water keeps the skin moist, soft and healthy.

Minerals are naturally present in water. However, with the increase in pollution, it has become impossible to consume water directly. Water purifiers are often used to purify water and make it worth consuming. However, water purifiers eliminate not only pollutants but also minerals. Water purifiers that use Reverse Osmosis are known to filter out minerals along with contaminants.

Drinking water that does not contain minerals only helps us quench our thirst but does not meet our body’s minerals requirement. Consuming such water is not recommended as it eventually leads to mineral deficiencies.

Kent has come up with a unique water purifier that has the answer to this problem. Kent’s Mineral RO water purifier uses a combination of RO+UV+UF+TDS control to purify water. This technology ensures that the water becomes not only the purest, but is healthy too.

One Distinct advantage which sets KENT RO purifiers apart from other RO purifiers is its ability to retain essential minerals in water. This unique water purifier removes suspended as well as dissolved impurities. As visionaries of the future and health living, KENT provides a bridge between scarcity of purity and its availability.

Kent also has a number of other purification devices in its production. Air purifiers, Vegetable and fruit water purifiers, Tap guards are some of the other purification devices that Kent has in its production.

Sunday 30 August 2015

How to purify water - The Complete Guide

The last decade or so has seen a sharp decline in the drinking water quality. Water purifiers too have gained tremendous interests in the same period. This has resulted in an increase in the interest around water purifiers. The water that we get today, from the municipal bodies, is often laced with alarming levels of dangerous dissolved impurities like rust, salts, heavy metals, chemicals, etc.

Amidst the deteriorating water quality situation, water purifiers have come as a gush of fresh air. There are many water purification technologies available today.  However, most of the water purification technologies eliminate only a few contaminants.

Contaminants present in water can be classified into two categories -

1) Suspended Impurities: These are insoluble impurities which contaminate water. Example - mud, dust, sand, dead insects, rust, mercury, lead, copper, cadmium, etc.

2) Dissolved impurities/ Contaminants: These are soluble particle such as pesticides, chemicals, bacteria, viruses, etc.

Water purification is not a new concept. This process has been going on from a long time. However, with time the traditional water purification methods have become ineffective against many new pollutants.

Listed below are some of the methods used for water purification -

1) Boiling: Boiling drinking water with fuel is the oldest and most commonly practiced household water treatment method. Despite boiling being a laborious that uses up a lot of energy, many organizations recommend it- both, for water treatment in developing countries as well as to provide safe drinking water during an emergency. Boiling only eliminates pathogens and does not remove suspended or chemical pollutants (e.g. arsenic) from drinking water.

2) Cloth filtration: This medieval method of water purification employs a cloth with tiny pores, through which water is passed. The tiny pores prevent suspended impurities from passing through thus providing clean water. However, this method is not effective against dissolved impurities and pathogens.

3) UV water purification technology: A UV-based water purifier is effective against bacteria and viruses but becomes null against impurities like pesticides, rust, heavy metals, salts and harmful chemicals.

4) Kent’s Mineral RO water purification technology: The Mineral RO technology combines the best of both RO & UV technologies, while eliminating the limitations of a single technology. Mineral RO technology offers double purification of RO and UV along with UF — which together remove even the most harmful dissolved impurities including arsenic, fluorides, rust, chemicals, pesticides and other heavy metals. The technology also features a unique TDS Controller that helps retain the essential natural minerals in the purified water. It is one of the best water filters in India.

Why Kent cements its place among the top 5 water purifiers in India

How safe is municipal water that you drink? It is well known that that the water supplied to us by municipal bodies is treated in their water treatment plant. However, this water purification is usually done by chlorination, which is not effective on suspended impurities. The situation worsens during the monsoon when contaminants flow into water reservoirs. Unless water is purified involving the use of a purification system, it cannot be deemed safe. There is a huge difference between treatment of water and its purification. Water purification is important for healthy living.

The government relies on water bodies such as rivers, lakes, ponds, etc., to supply water to the citizens. However, during the monsoon, gushing rainwater carries with it pollutants such as eroded soil, industrial waste, sewage, sediments and agricultural wastes to these water bodies. This situation is ideal for micro- organisms to breed and flourish. Municipal bodies use the tried and tested method of chlorination to reduce high bacterial population, which results in the formation of chlorine byproducts that are harmful for our health. This method is also ineffective against suspended impurities such as dust, sand, dead insects, etc. Many other impurities such as pesticides, insecticides, cysts, etc. also remain unaffected during the process.

These factors make water purifiers more important. Water purifiers such as Kent’s Mineral RO not only remove the suspended impurities but also, eliminate dissolved contaminants.

If you get your water from underground sources such as wells or bore wells, beware, because the water from underground sources is prone to contamination as well. Due to boost in urbanization and rapid industrialization, rain water often absorbs contaminants either in the air itself or on the ground. This water can be laced with high levels of fertilizers, nitrates, pesticides and inorganic salts.  This contaminated water is then absorbed by the ground resulting into contamination of water that is already present underground.

KENT Grand+
Ground water sources are also known to contain high levels of TDS. High level of TDS is the reason behind bad taste of water. This is another area where Kent has shown its innovative brilliance through its Mineral RO water purifier. This water purifier uses a combination of RO+UV+UF+TDS control to provide clean drinking water. The TDS control present in the water purifier controls the TDS level as per your requirement. No wonder that with all these amazing features, Kent’s Mineral RO is widely considered as one of the top 5 water purifiers in India.

Kent also offers a number of other brilliant water purifiers. Take for example the Kent’s 0% water wastage water purifier. This water purifier breaks away from the long tradition of RO water purifier. This unique water purifier does not waste water like the traditional RO water purifier. Must say that Kent has a knack of producing innovative and effective water purifiers. 

Friday 28 August 2015

All you must know about domestic RO water purifier

What comes to your mind first when someone says, water purifier? Umm, maybe a lot of questions bombard your mind when you think about which is the brand I should go for, what will be the technology and the last but not the least what will be the price? It is obvious that these questions will arise when you are buying a domestic RO water purifier, and why not, in the end you do not want to take chances when it comes to the quality of water you are going to drink.

Pure clean drinking water isn’t available easily these days. Every household and commercial space
desperately needs a purification technology which effectively removes harmful dissolved impurities such as Pesticides, Rust, Heavy Metals, Arsenic, Fluoride, etc apart from other impurities like bacteria and viruses. At the same time, the purifier should retain essential natural minerals in drinking water. It should also work efficiently over a long period of time.

So the first question to keep in mind while buying a water purifier is — Can your purifier eliminate those harmful substances? If yes, then you will have to search for the technology that it uses and go through the process and authentication of that technology. Many brands boast about the latest and most efficient RO technology for water purification and one of them who actually delivers it is Kent.

Kent’s Mineral RO technology offers multi-stage filtering of water by combining active carbon along with sediment filter that later sends water to a combination of RO+UV+UF+TDS control to provide clean drinking water.

Conventional RO purifiers while removing dissolved impurities also remove essential natural minerals from the water. Whereas in KENT water purifiers, while dissolved impurities are removed, essential natural minerals are retained.

Water purification capacity is also an important factor when it comes to purchasing a water purifier. The amount of water consumption in your home or office must be considered properly before purchasing a water purifier.

The next thing a person will look for while purchasing a water purifier, is the cost of the device. People are always on the lookout for a low cost water purifier. However, it is not the most important factor that should be considered when purchasing one of these devices.

Monday 24 August 2015

How badly do we need water purifiers?

Water is the most essential element in our lives. Yet, the truth of the matter is that every year there are millions of people who lose their lives due to water-related causes. Water that contains impurities and contaminants results in water becoming poisonous. In India, with our sad state of affairs, it is an understandable fact that many people across the board receive impure water that is consumed by adults and children alike. Many young children are affected due to the consumption of contaminated water which may also result in an increasing proportion of deadly water borne diseases occurring in their families. Water hardness, bad taste, colour and odour were some of the other major issues that are seen in the water of our country.

KENT Pearl
In such a dismal scenario, water filters become the need of the hour. Dr Thuppil Venkatesh, professor
emeritus department of bio-chemistry and bio-physics at St Johns Medical College, Bangalore said, "There has been a growing concern about the increasing water contamination levels and its impact on lives of Indians which is much evident from the water audit. Some of the key issues like water contamination, hardness, increasing incidences of water borne diseases are shocking and alarming." Hence new water purifier technology needs to be developed and used in homes and by families in India. Kent in India provides high quality tested water purification which is based on various technologies like RO purification and UV.

It also has in its array, a series of innovative products like the 0% water wastage technology and the widely appreciated Kent’s Mineral RO water purifier. This water purifier uses a combination of RO+UV+UF+TDS control to provide the cleanest water possible. This water purifier can eliminate suspended as well as dissolved impurities.

Water filtering and other technologies should be employed at a basic domestic level by all families in order to ensure safe consumption. Water filtering will help purify water and take out the impurities. These are simple inexpensive ways in which people can guarantee the health of their families and the children. Water needs to be safe in all forms, not just for drinking but for any other form of consumption too.

Tuesday 28 July 2015

How good is RO technology as a water purifier for home?

Reverse Osmosis (RO) is probably the most popular water purification technology among all the ones available. This reliable technology was first used for removing salt from sea water. However, after a few developments, it was also additionally used to remove other contaminants as well. In the Reverse Osmosis process Cellophane-like membranes separate purified water from contaminated water. RO is when a pressure is applied to the concentrated side of the membrane forcing purified water into the diluted side, the rejected impurities from the concentrated side being washed away in the rejected water.

RO can also act as an ultra-filter removing particles such as some micro-organisms that may be too large to pass through the pores of the membrane. RO purifier makes use of a membrane, which is a layer of special raw material, that filters dissolved solids as well as the polluting particles such as bacteria and other microorganisms and even, heavy metals. As a result, it significantly reduces the chance of any contaminants being present in the water.

Polluted water has become a threat to humanity across the globe. Rapid industrialization has led to excessive pollutants being pumped into our environment (including water bodies), giving rise to global warming. Global warming results in calamities like floods, droughts, tsunami, etc. which pollute our water bodies. In addition to this, the world is facing the problem of overpopulation, which in turn, gives rise to an increased demand for water. Due to all these factors, water purification has gained significant importance.

After the traditional water purification technologies like boiling, cloth filtration, etc., had lost their potential of removing contaminants effectively in the modern world, mankind first looked at RO-based good water purifiers to the job for us.

KENT Elite
However, the purification efficiency is also the biggest disadvantage of RO based water purifiers. This technology is so efficient that it removes almost everything from the water, including the minerals that are necessary to the human body. RO technology is also inefficient against harmful chemicals such as pesticides and insecticides.

To make up for the drawbacks of RO water purification technology as well as other purification technologies, Kent has come up with its patented Mineral RO water Purifier.  This unique water purifier uses a combination of RO+UV+UF+TDS control to give us clear and pure drinking water. One Distinct advantage which sets KENT RO purifiers apart from other RO purifiers is its ability to retain essential minerals in purified water. If you are looking for a good water purifier for your home, Kent’s mineral RO is highly recommended.

Tapping the powers of electric water purifiers

Looking for ways to improve the health of your family? A simple and easy way is to improve the quality of the water you use every day. A water purification system can make the water you use in your home healthier and safer to use. Your food will also taste better when the water that you use during the process has gone through a filtration system. With many variants available in the market today, you can easily find the top quality purification for your water right out of your tap.

Water is important to a person's everyday life. It is necessary to keep the body healthy and properly hydrated. When a person consumes contaminated water, it can pose significant health risks. However, using a water filtration system that is now available online, can significantly improve the quality of life. Other benefits of a water purifier include:

Improves the Smell and Taste

- A water purification system for your home can improve the taste and smell of your water by removing minerals and odor. They are also capable of removing contaminants such as dissolved metals from the plumbing system of your home.

Reduces Bacteria

- A water purification system for your home can remove various protozoa, bacteria and viruses that can cause different diseases or infections.

Reduces risk of cancer

- There are various pesticides and chemicals that may make their way into your tap water. Municipal corporations use chemicals such as chlorine to purify water. These chemicals have been associated with raising a person's risk of cancer, particularly bladder cancer. A water purification system can remove these harmful chemicals and protect you from their health risks.

Balances TDS level

- There are water filtration systems such as Kents Mineral RO water purifier that can balance the
Kent Supreme Water Purifier
TDS level in the water. These water purifiers can also remove the excess salts and Cyst that can help water taste better and also protect your equipments. Purified water can help prevent the buildup of salts and other minerals that can damage pipes, coffee machines and other equipments.

Apart from the above mentioned features, some water purifiers are also capable of eliminating both dissolved as well suspended impurities, something that traditional water purification technologies do not do.

Kent, a group that is known for its innovative brilliance has come up with just the machine that you should own. Its Mineral RO water purifier that uses a combination of RO+UV+UF+TDS control, gives you the purest water. This unique electric water purifier is capable of removing contaminants from the water while retaining its natural minerals. You can purchase this water purifier online.

Friday 24 July 2015

Water Purification – What Its Absence Means

Unsafe drinking water affects more than half of the world’s population. While nearly 70 percent of the world is covered by water, only 2.5 percent of it is fresh. The rest is saline and ocean-based.

Approximately one sixth of the world's total population who does not have access to safe water supply. According to WHO, at any given time half of the world's poor are suffering from water born diseases. To tackle severe challenges posed by unsafe drinking water, purification system was invented.

The water that you drink on a regular basis is not safe.  It contains toxic contaminants that are harmful for the human body. These harmful contaminants often stay unnoticed by naked eyes. The municipality purification system cannot be trusted for purification. To make things worse, chlorine is added to our water, by these government bodies, to eliminate the harmful components from it. There is no doubt that the chlorine is capable of reducing the rapid production of bacteria, but on the negative side, it is not capable of removing these components permanently. Suspended impurities also remain unaffected by chlorine. Most of the people are unaware of the fact that excessive chlorine can cause kidney troubles and cancer.

We are witnessing drastic changes in world's water consumption habit. The clean water scarcity and ineffectiveness of many traditional water purification methods such as boiling, chlorine, cloth filtration, etc., have provided a new breeding ground to purification systems. Water purification systems have been developed with an idea of helping millions of families for whom clean and hygienic drinking water is out of reach.

A huge variety of water purification devices are available in the market. A water purifier is capable of offering safe and bacteria free water. Water purifiers eradicate the microbial impurities and make the water drinkable.

Apart from eliminating harmful contaminants, many water purifiers are even capable of enhancing
Kent Mineral RO
the taste of water. Take for example, Kent’s Mineral RO
water purifier. This water purifier uses a combination of RO+UV+UF+TDS control to provide clean sparkling water. This water tastes good too. This is due to the fact that the TDS level of the water can be controlled as per a user’s choice.

Apart from controlling the TDS level in the water, Kent’s mineral RO ensures that natural minerals that are important to the body, are not lost. The highlight of this water purifier, is that it has all the advantages of different water purification technologies without any of its disadvantages. It is capable of eliminating suspended as well dissolved impurities. No wonder many Indians consider it as the top water purifier of the country. 

Thursday 23 July 2015

Eliminating Allergies - The Air Purifier Way

The industrial revolution has made great progress in every sector except for air quality. In fact, pollutants such as emissions from automobiles, smog and everyday chemicals - cleaning fluids and paints, daily pollute the air.

Nature also contributes to air pollution. Natural activities like volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, etc., mix pollutants with air. Pet dander and pollen from flowers are known to trigger allergies in many.

Mentioned below are some air contaminants.

Volatile Organic Compounds

Emitted by many households, Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are gases or vapors that can cause a number of illnesses and worsen allergies. They may be coming from things like new carpeting, paints, adhesives, varnishes, glues and disinfectants. Chemicals like formaldehyde, toluene, chloride, ethylene and benzene should be identified in products, they are the main cause of the pollution.

Odors and Gases

These are more common to identify and can be found all around you. Aerosols, tobacco smoke, cooking odors, indoor pesticides and kitty litter are some of the sources of common gases and odors.

Airborne Particles

Airborne particles include dust mites, pet dander, pollen, mold, plant spores, fungi, etc. These types of particles worsen conditions like asthma and allergies. It is wise to eliminate airborne particles from the air inside your home.

Short-term effects include irritation to the eyes, nose and throat, and upper respiratory infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia. Others include headaches, nausea, and allergic reactions. Short-term air pollution can aggravate the medical conditions of individuals with asthma and emphysema. Long-term health effects can include chronic respiratory disease, heart disease, and even damage to the brain, nerves, liver, or kidneys.

Kent Ozone Wall Air Purifier
The best way to deal with air contaminants is to purchase a good air purifier. It is a device that cleans the air, freeing the air from pollutants and contaminants.

Air purifiers are beneficial for people suffering from asthma and from allergies due to air pollutants. The allergy inducing particles may come as dust, pollen, pet
dander or mold spores.

An air purifier removes these particles. It also provides protection against hazardous smoke particles and airborne gases that may find their way into your house. It offers great protection against secondhand smoke too. Air purifiers convert the dirty, contaminated air into clean air, and offers a morning-fresh fragrance to the whole house – all day long. Also, clean and fresh air makes you feel energetic. People who own a business related to animals or healthcare – vets, pet shops, hospitals, etc. should definitely use one.

KENT Ozone Air Purifiers produce Ozone Gas, a highly reactive oxidant with the exceptional power to eliminate bacteria, viruses & harmful germs present in the air. 

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Decoding the best RO water purifier

It is a well known fact that water is essential for our survival.  According to researchers, the Earth contains about 70% water. Only a small portion of this huge percentage is actually fit for consumption, which is not enough for us. Availability of clean drinking water has become a luxury for us and it is imperative that we do everything in our power to conserve it. Water which comes from a conventional source comes with a lot of risks and health hazards because it contains some impurities like nitrates,  phosphates, heavy metals, microorganisms and dirt.

The first and most obvious benefit of having a water purifier is that it will eliminate the impurities that can damage your health. Water which goes through a purifier will contain lesser bacteria, fewer heavy metals and lesser chemical pollutants as compared to water that comes straight from the tap. Technology has gifted us many inventions that have made our life easier, simpler and flexible. Reverse Osmosis water purifier by Kent too is a gift of technology. It is an eco-friendly water purifier that saves water on the go. It is widely considered as the best RO water purifier in India.

Reverse osmosis technology pressurizes and passes impure water through a semi-permeable membrane. RO technology is probably the best purification technology known to mankind. It effectively removes all harmful micro-organisms such as bacteria, viruses and cysts. When it is used in combination with other filters (sediment and carbon), it successfully removes all other suspended impurities from water including dissolved gases and organic impurities.

The biggest advantage of this technology is that it is able to remove more than 99% of dissolved impurities such as chemicals, rust, salts of heavy metals, pesticides and insecticides present in water. In fact, RO is the only affordable technology that can remove dissolved impurities from water.

RO technology removes substantial amounts of most inorganic chemicals such as salts, metals and
minerals; micro-organisms and various organic chemicals. The quality of the membrane and the pressure of the water helps in determining how effectively the water separates form these contaminants.

However, RO devices have a drawback. Their process is so efficient that all the dissolved salts (minerals) from the drinking water are filtered out, including the essential ones necessary for our body. Water purified through only RO technology is distilled, has a bitter taste (because of no essential minerals) and has pH value lower than 7 - making it slightly acidic.

Further, RO technology uses a very fine membrane which has a pore size of 0.0001 micron. The process requires raw water to be forced at a very high pressure so that water passes through the small pores of the membrane, preventing bacteria, germs and other impurities from passing through. However, due to variation in day and night temperatures, high speed and pressure, some of the pores of the membrane get enlarged after a few months of continuous use. Thus, allowing harmful micro-organisms to easily pass through it and thereby making the process ineffective in the long run.

Kent has come up with a unique solution for this problem – the ‘Kent Mineral RO’ water purifier. This water filter uses a combination of RO+UV+UF+TDS to provide the cleanest water possible. Other innovative products by Kent include portable water purifiers, Tap guard, etc.

Conseriving water via water purification! Way to go Kent

It all started when I was dinning in one of restaurants in Mumbai. I noticed that we have ordered a large bottle of water, and half of it was left wasted. I looked around. Many people seemed to be doing the same. On one hand, I saw people who had taken the amount of Rs. 20 for granted and didn’t care about water that wasted stood wasted in the bottles they had ordered. On on the other hand I was imagining the people of Africa who suffer severe poverty and famine. But not too long after this experience I noticed that many restaurants have started using Kent Purifiers, in an effort to save drinking water.

Have you ever thought of what is going to happen if the Earth runs out of drinking water? Everyone prays for plentiful rainfall each year. The world knows that we are going to run out of drinking water.  Each and every day we come across people wasting water but they aren’t the only ones. We as consumers are also equally responsible for wasting water. We waste water by bathing under a shower instead of using water from buckets to clean our body. We even wash the car with water sprays rather than using bucket water. Using toilet flushes leads to about 3.5 – 7 gallons of water wastage.

The water authorities have come up with many ways and techniques of conserving and storing water for future purpose. Waste water treatment is one of the methods by which authorities are trying to save and conserve water for a better prospect.Waste water mostly originates from domestic, industrial, commercial and agricultural activities.

Municipal waste water which is also known as ‘sewage’ is now used for irrigational purpose. But we are still looking for answers of how to save drinking water. Kent water purifier has managed to bring out the essence of safe drinking water.

Why safe drinking water is essential? 

Pure drinking water is a basic requirement for living beings in this world. Imagine people without drinking water. This has already been happening in places like Africa. Still many people are not cautious. Extra efforts have to be taken to ensure sustainable plans for adequate water preservation.

Here are few things once can do to save drinking water:

- When boiling hot water make sure you know how much water to boil. This will save water and electricity/gas.
- Many times we pour a whole glass water, thinking we will finish it. Half a glass down we quench our thirst and throw the rest of the water. So always know how much water you want to drink and then pour only that much quantity in a glass.
- Leaving the tap running while we are doing the dishes or using a dishwasher also wastes a lot of water. Avoid both.
- Consider bringing home a water filter like Kent water purifier, instead of drinking bottled water. This will be an eco-friendly move as by not consuming packed water you will reduce the amount of plastic for making water bottles. This principal can also be applied at the workplace by installing a water fountain attached to a water purifier to get safe drinking water without much wastage.

Why KENT purifier? 

KENT has developed an innovative and patented technology which offers 0% water wastage in RO purifiers. The heart of this technology is a computer controlled process wherein the membrane is washed automatically and more than 50% of water intake is recovered as purified water. The balance rejected water is stored in a separate ‘Reject Water Tank’. This water can be utilized by consumers for various other household purposes. The net result is 0% water wastage.

Kent water purifiers protect your family by providing it with safe drinking water, all year round. No wonder Kent water purifiers have worked their way to the top so easily. With such an innovative mindset who wouldn’t? 

Monday 29 June 2015

8 factors that influence your choice for portable air purifiers

We step outside our homes only to intake polluted air which is getting worse day by day. Many people are suffering from asthma, sleep apenia, sinus and more sicknesses due to the pollution in the air. ‘How to get pure air to breathe’ is a question that is troubling many. Obviously, moving to the country side isn’t a feasible option for the most of us.
Many researchers are working on technologies to provide pure and healthy air. Kent portable air purifier has managed to revolutionize the industry by making the air in our homes pure and healthy. A portable air purifier is capable of removing contaminants from the air. It can also reduce/eliminate second-hand tobacco smoke. It is also used in processing industries to remove impurities such as CO2 from air.

Benefits of using portable air purifiers

Research has proven that dust, pet dander and dust-mite feces can act as
allergies. Smoke particles and volatile organic compounds can pose a risk to health as well. A portable air purifier can be used to reduce the concentration of these airborne contaminants and can be useful for people who suffer from allergies. Materials released by fresh paint, glue, plastic and synthetic carpet and rugs can be purified from the air using a portable air purifier.

A variety of small machines are available for use in the home environment. Some much larger ones are available too for industrial buildings. Both of these aim at either reducing the pollutant quantity in the air or at removing harmful damaging substances. Kent portable ozone air purifiers produce Ozone gas - a highly reactive oxidant with the exceptional powers to kill bacteria, viruses and harmful germs present in the air.

Eight factors that influence someone's decision to purchase a portable air purifier are:

- Noise levels
- Frequency of filter replacement
- Visual appeal
- Air quantity that is treated per unit of time
- Pollutant type
- Cost of operating the machine
- Warranty
- Simplicity of use and portability

A wide range of air filters are available. They can either be cleaned by hand or by with water. Many air purifiers come with a ‘Clean Air Delivery Rating’ which is a standard rating for all air purifier brands. This enables the customers to make informed choices while purchasing air purifiers.

The Kent Ozone Portable Air Purifier has ozone disinfection technology. It produces ozone gas, an environment friendly and highly reactive oxidant, which is sprayed quietly and effectively through a fan. The fan moves air through the machines and its filter, removing all the harmful substances. Cigarette smoke, odors, chemical fumes and gases are totally eliminated through this process.
Air purifier buy online

Kent provides the facility of purchasing its air purifiers online. Its air purifiers are really effective on micro-organisms. They remove chemicals, odors, allergens and smoke alike. They neutralize stale and foul odour to supply fresh air, and oxidize disinfecting chemicals, gases and cigarette fumes from the air.

Now whenever you are confused about which Air Purifier to choose, you know that you can buy a Kent Air Purifier online. It will make your indoor air pure, healthy and free from micro-organisms. Make the right choice.