Thursday 26 May 2016

Reasons why you need a fruit and vegetable purifier!

Vegetables and fruits that are available in present times from the market come loaded with various pesticides and insecticides which cannot be removed by simply washing it with water. These chemicals and toxins are very harmful and the vegetables and fruits lose their nutritional value because of them. If you think, that boiling it will give the same result as a purifier, you are highly mistaken. Firstly, boiling the vegetable or fruit can cause it to lose its nutritional value. Secondly, not all vegetable or fruits can be boiled before other use.

A purifier comes with its own advantages. The reasons why it is very much suitable for your requirements are:

1. A contemporary design that is space saving - Vegetable and fruit purifiers today, have a very sleek and modern design. It is suitable for mounting on a wall as well as can be kept on the table. The purifiers are compact and handy.
2. Revolutionary ozone disinfection technology - The purifiers use an ozone disinfection technology that is very effective in eliminating bacteria, viruses, fungus, and other pathogens from the surface of vegetables and fruits.
3. Eliminating pesticides and insecticides - Harmful chemicals like pesticides and insecticides are removed making the food fit for human consumption. It uses the highly reactive ozone gas that is quite successful in oxidizing the traces of insecticides, pesticides and any other sort of farm chemical that may be present on it.
4. Long lasting freshness - The food that is washed with the purifier is cleansed thoroughly, de-odorized and thus has a longer shelf life.
5. Does not require any consumables - the vegetable and fruit purifier does not require any consumable for producing ozone. Using just the oxygen present in the atmosphere it purifies the vegetable. The purifier also does not require frequent of servicing or replacement of parts.

The fruit and vegetable purifier is certified. It is CE certified and is thus quite safe for use. Hence, if you are looking for a better way to do your veggie wash, Kent is one brand that can help you. It has a renowned name in the purification business and provides high quality products. Kent, with a mission of giving a healthier life to people, provides this excellent range of purifier that effectively oxidises residual chemicals and bacteria from the surface of fruits and vegetables. This is a very useful technology as it ensures that what you are consuming is healthy, protecting you and your loved ones.

Wednesday 25 May 2016

RO Water Purifiers - Why you require one?

There has been growing concern among the people regarding the deteriorating quality of drinking water. Almost every day, we come across reports which highlight the gross increase in pollution levels everywhere. The increase in industrialization to meet the growing needs of people is the prime reason for this huge damage to environment. With limited resources it is quite difficult to meet the needs of the population. These limited sources of drinking water have been subjected to further damage. If this polluted water is consumed on a regular basis it can affect your health and cause a variety of problems. This is the very reason why more and more people are considering RO water purifier as a necessity.

The water purifying industry has also been evolving over the times to accommodate the changing needs. They have constantly modified and rebuilt new models that are in compatibility with the present times. An RO water purifier uses highly advanced technology to get rid of various chemicals and impurities present in water, which can be a hindrance to your health. They help to improve the quality of drinking water,by making it pass through various stages in a water purifier to eliminate impurities and metal particulates present in them.

The sediment and activated carbon filter out the large suspended impurities like dust and sand. It is then filtered using the revolutionary technology of RO+UV+UF+TDS controller which reduces the bacteria, viruses, cysts and other dissolved impurities. The water provided by the Mineral RO purifiers is not only tasty but is enriched with various minerals that should be present in the water. Conventional purifiers while purifying the water remove the essential elements along with the impurities which makes the water tasteless but not healthy. The presence of metals in the water adds a bad taste and smell to it. RO water purifiers make the water tasty and safe to consume.

Fresh, clean and pure drinking water is vital to good health. Not all purifiers can be fully trusted in terms of quality. The RO purifiers by Kent have the World’s best quality certification and guarantee a 100% safe, healthy, tasty and pure drinking water. The top water purifiers by Kent use patented technology to retain essential natural minerals in RO purified water. Before buying a water purifier it is always important to assess its qualities and whether it is suitable for you. Spending a huge amount when you can get the similar functions available in a lesser cost which provides you good quality of drinking water is always a better option.

Water purifier is also required to avoid various water-borne diseases like jaundice, cholera, typhoid and diarrhoea which are caused due to the drinking of tap water directly. They lower your immunity level and heighten your need for expensive treatment. You can avoid such huge problems by taking a small step towards improvement of your health and lifestyle by buying an RO water purifier. The traditional method to remove impurities is no longer suitable for the extremely dangerous impurities present in the water in current times. Boiling fails to kill the minute bacteria and viruses. It is not safe to trust any bottled mineral water as well. It may be that you are paying for the brand and bottle because in many cases it is just water filled from a commercial water purifier.

An RO water purifier is just the perfect saviour from the increasing levels of water pollution and Kent gives you the option of a Mineral RO water purifier which retains the much needed minerals in water. Your health should be the top priority.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Count on HEPA Air Purifier for healthy breathable air

One of the fastest growing sectors in Indian market today is the purification industry. Water purifiers have come to the face of nation and established its presence in almost all households. The positive result of it has been seen over the past few years. However, the segment of Air Purification has got to flying start and is proving out to be truly beneficial.

In today’s world, where air pollution is at full pace, it is becoming almost impossible to inhale fresh clean air especially for those living in urban cities. The number of vehicles is growing every minute and so is the emission of harmful gases through it. Industrial expansion is bringing India to a global level but has been compromising with the air quality degradation. To add to all of this, deforestation is a major hurdle in replenishing the air around us. So to sum up, conditions are so aggravated that it would take a long time to reverse the pollution.

The pollution outdoors is not the limit to the troubles we face. This degradation in air quality has given rise to a perfect world for pathogens to grow inside our homes. So to put it in context, the outdoor pollution has been the major cause for indoor air pollution. Moreover, if we are to compare them both, indoor air pollution is more on volume and is more harmful in nature. However, pollutants found inside our houses are not completely the courtesy of what is happening outside. Cooking, a basic chore of any household is also a contributor to fumes that disrupts the air quality. Lead-based paint fumes, pet hair, dust and chemical gases are common pollutants and can easily make their way into the households. Our own body releases number of bacteria into the air, which can persist in the atmosphere and spread. These pollutants are the major reason of health disorders and lung issues. This is a serious problem that everyone is facing but people have limited knowledge about. However, the campaigning of a short term solution is under the play, thanks to the industry of air purifiers, India.

HEPA Air Purifier
Lack of air circulation is a common problem in urban households and thus leads to poor air quality. Air purifier can be a helpful resource to solve these major problems and thus reduce health problems. The main thing to look out for in an air purifier is the technology it works on. For your convenience, we have done a detailed research over different types of technology and have found out that the most effective is HEPA technology. A technology that builds its trust through the three filtering stages it encompasses. The highlight of the HEPA filter is its anti-bacterial coating that helps eliminate the bacterial content and its minute pore size that enables it to trap 99.9% of pollutants like PM 2.5 and SPM up to the size of 0.3 microns. Kent, a leading and trusted brand in purification sector, has to its portfolio a list of apt air purifiers, we currently need. The Kent HEPA air purifier is making its way into the homes as a result of its effectiveness.

Monday 23 May 2016

What makes a water filter important?

The water supplied to our homes through various sources has a large number of impurities present in them. The different sources include -

•  Tap water - bacteria, cyst, rust, and chemicals, as well dissolved salts are present in the water flowing through taps.
Bore well - the deadliest of chemicals and metals like fluoride, arsenic and lead, as well as many dissolved salts are present in the water supplied though bore well.
Overhead tanks - the stored water is contaminated with chemicals, biological impurities and heavy metals.

The water at this level is polluted because of the increasing discharge by the industries without treating the waste before discarding it. The water has so many chemicals present that simple boiling is not sufficient. Water filters along with the bacteria and virus help to remove the dissolved impurities as well.

Water filters use a double purification technology of RO+UV+UF+TDS to ensure that water is in its purest form. The water after being purified through a basic water filter might reduce the essential minerals from the water, but this revolutionary RO technology makes sure that water is not only pure but healthy too. It retains the essential minerals present in the water after removing all the particles and impurities present in it.

The water purifier is designed accordingly that it can be mounted on the walls of your kitchen at home or in offices. Water purifiers also enjoy the added advantage of being portable which is beneficial for those who travel a lot and it does not require electricity or running water for the purification process. There is also another type of filter with inbuilt RO purifier and chiller which gives access to pure as well as refreshing cool water. During summers the water filters become even more essential as the presence of impurities is high as well as the consumption level of water is also more during these months.

Thus access to pure and safe drinking water is the concern of almost everyone. Kent’s mineral RO technology is the most awarded and certified to make water highly safe for drinking. Conventional filters fall short of making water totally pure but the best water filters with RO technology make the water not only totally pure, but the essential minerals are also not lost during the purification process. The various dissolved impurities present in the water may cause serious health hazards such as typhoid, cholera and jaundice as well as spoil the taste of water. Kent’s RO water filter is helpful for not just removing the dissolved impurities but making the water taste well too.

Friday 20 May 2016

True freshness indoors with HEPA air cleaner

Just the sheer thought of your children and loved ones taking in the harmful air that causes harm to their body is enough to get you worried. There is no way you can reduce the number of industries coming up or the pollution caused by vehicles or any other affluent for that matter. All of us have to go out to work, study or play but at the end of the day we all return to our homes where we just want to relax. While accommodating our houses with all the possible comforts and safety measures it is important to ask, are we really safe in here? The air is a slow poison to all around.

Pollution level is directly proportionate to the rising level of pollution in India. The number of vehicles on road has seen a sudden rise in the past few years. With the much-needed upgrade in living standards, we tend to undermine the fact that the contribution in the air pollution has also increased. The carbon dioxide level is rising by the day causing the air quality to degrade. Much worse is the condition indoors, as the pollutants have lesser space to circulate out. This dip in the indoor air quality is the major reason of health problems. While you may think that there is no escape to this, HEPA air cleaner is the perfect solution to fresher air inside your home. Using three different mechanisms it catches carcinogen particles, which are known to cause various health hazards like allergy, asthma and lung cancer, which cannot be eliminated by normal filters present in the market.

Using this very efficient technology, Kent HEPA air purifier provides us a safer atmosphere and a healthy environment at home. Having advanced features like filter change indicator, child lock technology to prevent any misuse, low noise operations and activated carbon that removes odour, brings freshness and purifies room instantly. With such advanced functions inbuilt, none of it stands out to be the highlight of the appliance. What makes this appliance worthy of choice is the revolutionary HEPA filter in it. This filter is coated with an anti-bacterial layer that helps eliminate the harmful bacteria from the indoor surroundings. Efficient up to 99.9% in eliminating PM 2.5 and SPM pollutants, it makes the air fresh, clean and healthy. Kent HEPA air purifier is suitable for a room area of 270 sq km; it is user friendly and convenient for use.

With the increase in competition in the market, Air purifier price gives it edge over other purifiers. To protect your friends and family from harmful diseases, air purifiers are highly recommended. With the advanced technology, it is gaining popularity among customers and is very functional and applicable at household level.