Thursday 26 May 2016

Reasons why you need a fruit and vegetable purifier!

Vegetables and fruits that are available in present times from the market come loaded with various pesticides and insecticides which cannot be removed by simply washing it with water. These chemicals and toxins are very harmful and the vegetables and fruits lose their nutritional value because of them. If you think, that boiling it will give the same result as a purifier, you are highly mistaken. Firstly, boiling the vegetable or fruit can cause it to lose its nutritional value. Secondly, not all vegetable or fruits can be boiled before other use.

A purifier comes with its own advantages. The reasons why it is very much suitable for your requirements are:

1. A contemporary design that is space saving - Vegetable and fruit purifiers today, have a very sleek and modern design. It is suitable for mounting on a wall as well as can be kept on the table. The purifiers are compact and handy.
2. Revolutionary ozone disinfection technology - The purifiers use an ozone disinfection technology that is very effective in eliminating bacteria, viruses, fungus, and other pathogens from the surface of vegetables and fruits.
3. Eliminating pesticides and insecticides - Harmful chemicals like pesticides and insecticides are removed making the food fit for human consumption. It uses the highly reactive ozone gas that is quite successful in oxidizing the traces of insecticides, pesticides and any other sort of farm chemical that may be present on it.
4. Long lasting freshness - The food that is washed with the purifier is cleansed thoroughly, de-odorized and thus has a longer shelf life.
5. Does not require any consumables - the vegetable and fruit purifier does not require any consumable for producing ozone. Using just the oxygen present in the atmosphere it purifies the vegetable. The purifier also does not require frequent of servicing or replacement of parts.

The fruit and vegetable purifier is certified. It is CE certified and is thus quite safe for use. Hence, if you are looking for a better way to do your veggie wash, Kent is one brand that can help you. It has a renowned name in the purification business and provides high quality products. Kent, with a mission of giving a healthier life to people, provides this excellent range of purifier that effectively oxidises residual chemicals and bacteria from the surface of fruits and vegetables. This is a very useful technology as it ensures that what you are consuming is healthy, protecting you and your loved ones.

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