Monday 29 February 2016

Water purifiers - A must for healthy, purified, drinkable water

Our human body comprises of more than 90% of water. Water is essential to us just like breathing clean air. Water is also used for various other purposes such as cooking, washing, bathing and various industrial applications. Living organisms like fish that is also food for us, survive themselves in water.  Plants also use water; animals and birds visit water holes to quench their thirst.

When pollutants contaminate water, they make it unusable. The contaminated cannot and must not be used for consumption or else it may lead to health issues. Some of the diseases caused by consuming contaminated water include diarrhea, cancer, cholera, etc.

We use water purifiers for home to ensure that the water we drink is clean to the level that it does not contain harmful pollutants that could harm our biological system. Water purifiers are the most efficient solution that we have to pure drinking water. There are various types of water purifiers. They can be distinguished by the technology they use, the purification capacity that they have, the type of installation they have, etc.

Kent’s Mineral RO water purifiers are considered as one best water purifiers for home or for any domestic space. This water purifier uses a combination of RO+UV+UF+TDS control to provide clean drinking water. This technology is so effective that it can get rid of dissolved as well as suspended impurities.  This technology also helps regulate the TDS level in water which means that you get clear and better tasting water. The technology and the best pricing solution provided makes Kent water purifiers the ultimate solution to water treatment at our domestic spaces.

Thursday 25 February 2016

Purify air indoors from allergens with the ioniser air purifier

It is known that respiratory and pulmonary disorders are caused by allergens such as dust, dirt and pet dander and mold spores. Due to these allergens, air purifiers have become the need of the hour for every household. It is a known fact that indoor air contains more allergens than outdoor, which can be due to poor air circulation within the rooms.

Almost everything around us serves as a surface for the pollutants to sustain and grow on. Leave aside anything, even our bodies are known to emit bacteria into the air. Cooking food has its own addition to the pollutants in air. The paint on the walls emits fumes and chemicals into the air, bringing the pollutant level higher indoors.

Air purifiers have been proved to be the best solution to treat indoor air quality. As the air pollution rises, it has a direct effect on the air quality at homes and offices. The world is united to fight the growing air pollution but it is for sure a long process. At the shorter end, companies have proposed a temporary solution to cleaner air with their versions of air purifiers. With various models and different technologies being used for air purification, HEPA technology turns out to be the most trusted and most effective method of cleansing air.

Let’s understand the working of an HEPA air purifier. HEPA that stands for High Efficiency Particulate Arrestor, is a technology known for triple action cleaning of air. Ideally it has three different filters with three different cleaning actions. The pre-filter is used to remove the large particulate matter from the air. The specially treated carbon filter with its large adsorption appetite eliminates the harmful chemical gases and the foul smell from the air. The major and the most effective part of these air purifiers is the revolutionary HEPA filter. It has an anti-bacterial coating over it that arrests the bacterial content in the air making it clean and healthier.

Moreover, these filters have an extended cleansing action with an inbuilt air ionizer in it. It lets out charged ions in the air that helps remove dirt and dust and has the major benefit of making the air fresh.

Kent, a leading brand in the market of purification has to its name the making of these pioneer HEPA air purifiers. Known to be one of the best air purifier, these have a sleek and stylish design to complement its presence in any house or office.

HEPA air cleaners have 99.9% effectiveness for rich indoor air quality

Are you having trouble breathing? Air pollution is a major problem in most Indian cities. Indoor air pollution is actually worse than outdoor. Impurities such as Benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, naphthalene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrogen dioxide, radon, trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene have indoor sources and are known to be hazardous to health.

To manage and monitor indoor air quality, an air purifier is a must for every household. As a machine, an air purifier works typically a lot like a water purifier. It really just comes down to a series of filters, each finer than the last. HEPA filters effectively reduce particles 0.3 microns in size. The human eye can only see particles larger than 10 microns; so particles caught in a HEPA filter such as chemicals, bacteria and viruses cannot be seen by a naked eye.

HEPA Air Purifier
HEPA filters are composed of a mat of randomly arranged fibers. These fibers possess a thickness between 0.5 and 2.0 micrometers. The key factor that affects its functions is fiber diameter, the filter thickness, and air speed. HEPA filters are designed to target much smaller pollutants and particles. These particles stick to the fiber through a combination of functions inside the HEPA air cleaners as follows:

1. By way of interception, particles that follow a line of flow in the air come within the radius of a fiber and get attach to it.
2. With an impact, larger particles are unable to avoid fibers in the filter and are forced to attach in one of them directly, this result keeps increasing with diminishing fiber separation and high airflow speed.
3. Diffusion as the term suggests is a process by which gas molecules intertwine with smaller particles and as a result collide against each other. The smaller a particle is and slower the flow, the more time it will have to swirl around, thereby giving it much better chance of hitting and sticking to a filter fiber.

As per current guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Healthcare Facilities it is recommended to have HEPA filtration installed in their air management systems to restrict and capture pathogens, microbial spores and other contaminants in the air that could affect patients.

Kent HEPA air purifiers are the ideal for any indoor space. They are a complete air-purifying unit that is easy to install and cost effective. Kent HEPA air purifier cleans air using the revolutionary and highly effective HEPA filter. It has an anti-bacterial coating over it which eliminates the presence of bacteria in the air. It has an inbuilt air ionizer that helps keep the air in the surroundings fresh. With a user-friendly and functional design it is safe and convenient for use and a smart indicator that informs for changing of the filter with smart monitoring it keeps quality of air in check. Not only does it reduce the effect of microbes and harmful gases, it also helps in reducing dust, paint fumes, cooking fumes and cigarette smoke.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

An air purifier is the closest solution to healthy rich air quality indoors

In a world with constantly increasing air pollution caused by industries, automobiles and changing weather conditions, it is essential to take matters in our hands for healthy air indoors.

Lack of proper ventilation indoors, concentrates air inside and pollutants increase within the enclosed area, making the air quality poor. Plywood and other building materials emit formaldehyde gas. Paint gives off volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as it dries. Usage of air fresheners, incense, and other scented items also contribute with pollution. In our kitchens we use gas to cook our food but add significant amounts of smoke particulates into the air. We do pest control at our homes and if the air ventilation is not proper, it adds to indoor pollution. There are various biological sources of air pollution indoors such as pets with fur produce dander, people produce dust from minute skin flakes and decomposed hair, dust mites, mold formed on walls generates toxins and spores, and gardens, soil can produce pollen, dust, and mold.

To the rescue are air purifiers; it is a device that removes contaminants from the air in a room. Air purifiers may also be used in industry to remove impurities such as CO2 from air before processing.

Air purifiers for home and offices are essential instruments for living spaces that constantly purify air. In our body, lungs are the air purifier that constantly feed the free flow of blood in our physical system. If our lungs constantly breathe poor air, we are bound to damage it. With the advancement in air purification technology, air purifiers are becoming increasingly capable of capturing a greater number of bacterial, virus, and DNA damaging particulates. Air purifiers are used to reduce the concentration of these airborne contaminants and can be useful and wholesome for people who suffer from allergies and asthma.

HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Arrestor) is a technology that has been used for many years to filter particles. HEPA filters must meet a standard of trapping at least 99.97% of all particles larger than 0.3 microns. The human eye can only see particles larger than 10 microns; so particles caught in a HEPA filter such as chemicals, bacteria and viruses cannot be seen. Because HEPA filters are able to trap mold and bacteria, they create a more sanitary environment.

So if you have identified your need for an air purifier they are readily available and a must for every household. To assist you, look up to Kent Air purifiers, they have pioneered in providing suitable and cost effective HEPA air purifiers for every living space. Kent air purifiers are designed with smart and superior technology for best results in air purification indoors.

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Want to know why you need a Home Air Purifier?

We drink purified water, eat washed fruits & vegetables, clean our homes every day, take a bath every day and the list is endless of the things we do to stay clean and healthy. However, the most important thing that we don’t think of, or is neglected, is the quality of the air that we breathe. Never does it come to our mind that the air that we are breathing at our homes and work places may actually be contaminated and dangerous.

With rampant air pollution, it is no hidden fact that the air in our environment has been degraded and is becoming poisonous by the day. It’s not just limited to busy roads and industrial areas; the air around in our house and offices also could be polluted. With growing imbalance of gases in air, the sustainability of microorganisms like bacteria, viruses and other pathogens is also growing.

This is where an air purifier could be of lot help. The name being self explanatory, it is an appliance used for purifying or disinfecting the air. With various categories available, HEPA air purifiers are considered one of the most effective variants. Before we understand why HEPA based purifiers are good, let us take a look at why the normal air purifiers fail to be as good. Air around us is full of different gases, dissolved chemicals and suspended particles. A common air purifier would just suck in the air around, pass it through the air filter and let it pass back to the surroundings; just causing the elimination of suspended particles in the air. Whereas a HEPA based air purifier not only removes the suspended particles and the particulate matter; it also treats the air by eliminating pathogens like bacteria and viruses.

A major player in this segment and the possessor of many path-breaking technologies in the area of purification, Kent, has to its name an advanced room air purifier. Kent’s HEPA air purifier, a High Efficiency Particulate Arrestor based purifier cleans the air using a three layered filtration, thus has a high-efficiency of removal of particulate matter. With four levels of intelligent air quality monitoring, Kent’s HEPA air purifier has an inbuilt air ionizer. The utility of the ionizer is such that it helps keep the air in the surroundings fresh. Its functionally user-friendly, safe and convenient for use, impeccable design and even more commendable is the provided indicator for changing the filter; thus keeping up the efficiency of the air purifier. Not only it reduces the effect of microbes and harmful gases, it also helps reducing dust, paint fumes, cooking fumes and cigarette smoke. Eliminating the foul smell especially from washrooms and suppressing the stale air to provide with fresh air as a major functionality of this appliance. So make sure you are taking all round care of your health with Kent’s HEPA Air Purifier!