Tuesday 29 March 2016

Portable air purifiers are the need of the hour

Air pollution is a hot topic in our country as a result of a high level of pollutants being released in the atmosphere. Toxic smoke from our industries and vehicles, have caused a drastic hike in air-impurities. This is causing a huge effect not only on our atmosphere but on our health as well. There is absolutely no sign of any of it reducing soon and this make the problem even more threatening.

A breath of fresh air is a wonderful thing to experience, not only for its revitalizing effects on our senses but also its natural properties that benefit our body. Fresh air is a core necessity for us to function at optimum level, and an effect on it can affect us terribly. An effect of this can be seen everywhere around us, even within our own body. We become less resistant to diseases and tend to tire earlier. This is a result of lack of fresh air entering our body.

With pollutants being released in the air at an alarming rate, we are safer indoors. However, even that is not sufficient. Air cannot be restricted from entering an average home. With that air we invite pollutants and the possibility of the harm that they cause. This polluted air leads to diseases like asthma and further affects those who are already suffering from it. We try and keep the house closed, and frequently clean and dust our homes but none of this is the right solution. No matter how hard we try, the polluted air will affect our home and our health. Now, as we cannot obstruct the inflow of air, we can at least cleanse it. A high quality room air purifier is the best answer to the air pollution problem that we are facing.

A room air purifier will provide the perfect armour for your indoor air purification issue. The quality of that air purifier is of utmost importance to provide the best protection. Kent has a wide range of air purifiers that are well suited for the problem we face. They are portable and can fit into multiple areas of your home. These portable air purifiers contain path-breaking technology and cleanse the air to maximum effect. HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Arrestor) is one such amazing technology that transforms polluted air to the purist possible form. Its anti-bacterial layered filter and a highly efficient particulate Matter 2.5 removal process will not only clean your indoor air but also improve the freshness. With four levels of intelligent air quality monitoring, there is a hairline chance of pollutants affecting the indoor air. Even though Kent air purifiers contain a high level of technology, it is very user friendly and that is what makes it a suitable option for your home.

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