Thursday 30 June 2016

Is your Veggie Wash as smart as this?

You probably have seen your mother washing the vegetables before turning them into relishing dishes. She might also harp on the fact that you need to wash the fruits thoroughly before you eat it. We all are aware why she does that. It’s a general idea that vegetables and fruits should be washed before consumed to remove the layer of impurities that it carries. And it is true! Fruits and veggies are decomposable items and are a perfect sustaining pad for micro-organisms. The surface of fruits and vegetables serve as an adequate platform for various harmful bacteria, virus, fungus and other pathogens that can be the cause of many health issues and diseases if ingested!

Major households have adhered to the technique of washing fruits and veggies with warm water. The fact that hot water can kill germs gives people a lot of satisfaction that what they eat is pure and healthy. However, the reality stays that hot water might clean the eateries to a certain level but is incompetent to make it completely impurity-free. While these micro-organisms were not enough, fruits & vegetables nowadays also pose a threat of pesticide and insecticide intoxication. As the population increases, there has been a large imbalance between the demand and supply of these daily crops. The demand has been exceeding the supply and to cover this up, farmers have resorted to the use of chemical fertilizers for a greater produce.

These farm chemicals might help increasing the produce levels but has a very devastating impact on the quality of the produce. This chemical poisoning can lead to various health issues like abdominal pain, dizziness, headaches, nausea, vomiting and even skin problems. In longer term effects, it could even be the cause of cancer, neurological disorders and reproductive disorders. While there is little we can do to stop this from happening, we surely can do our bit to safeguard our health by using a fruit and veg purifier.

Kent has been a leader in bringing innovation to many health care products. They have shown that in water purifiers, air purifiers and, surely would not leave out a vegetable & fruit purifier. Kent Ozone Vegetable & Fruit Purifier is a best-in-class appliance that you’d need in your kitchen. Its revolutionary ozone disinfection technology efficiently eliminates bacteria, virus, fungus and various other pathogens. This technology helps produce highly reactive ozone gas that oxidizes the traces of pesticides, insecticides and other farm chemicals present on the surface of veggies and fruits. Not just it is an efficient appliance; it’s user-friendly too with a sleek modular design making it compact and portable. One major add-on for the non-vegetarian consumers is that it can be used to clear out any antibiotics and hormones present on the seafood, poultry and meat. It also de-odorizes your fruits, vegetables and meat, keeping them fresh for a longer period of time. The fact that it creates ozone gas through the readily available oxygen from the air makes this appliance consumable and maintenance free. Bring in to your life a touch of purity and a safe-net of healthy living. 

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