Those days are long gone when water could be consumed directly without a second thought. The situation has completely changed now. The lakes, ponds, rivers, dams etc. are often polluted with factory and domestic waste and hence, it has become highly essential to purify water before consuming it. Apart from this, excessive usage of pesticides in agricultural fields for enhanced crop yields has also increased the pollution level in ground water.
The tap water that you receive from the municipal corporation often remains contaminated. This is due to the fact that they use outdated and inefficient methods of water purification. During its journey to your home, water often comes in contact with rusted and burst pipelines. This also leads high level of TDS in water.
What is TDS in water? Total dissolved solids (TDS) comprises of inorganic salts (principally calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, bicarbonates, chlorides, and sulfates) and some small amounts of organic matter that are dissolved in water.
Effects of TDS are as follows -
1) The concentration of TDS may cause the water to be corrosive, salty or brackish taste, result in scale formation, and interfere and decrease efficiency of hot water heaters.
2) Many contain elevated levels of ions that are above the norms, such as an elevated level of nitrate, arsenic, aluminum, copper, lead, etc.
TDS in drinking water originate from natural sources, sewage, industrial waste water, and chemicals used in the water treatment process. The astounding rise in water pollution has led to the rise of water purification methods.
Boiling is water is one of the oldest water purification and is considered to be safe. Boiling water successfully eliminates pathogens but remains ineffective against suspended impurities and chemicals.
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KENT Prime TC |
Reverse osmosis is considered to be the most efficient water purifiers of all. It is so efficient that it eliminates everything from water, minerals includes. These minerals are important to keep our body healthy.
Kent has come up with a water purifier that has all the advantages of other water purification technologies but without any of its disadvantages. It uses a combination of RO+UV+UF+TDS control to provide clean, clear, better tasting and mineral filled water.
This water purifier eliminates suspended as well as dissolved impurities. The biggest advantage of this water purifier is that you can control the TDS level in water. This ensures that you get the minerals in water without the contaminants.
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