Thursday, 14 November 2013

5 top tips on staying healthy at Office

5 top tips on staying healthy at Office

In today’s scenario, jobs have become increasingly stressful and have often been linked with the risk of heart diseases. Spending an estimated 40 hours a week at work, we often forget the negative impact sitting at a desk can have on our health.

Check out these 5 top tips on staying healthy in the workplace:
Step 1: Eat Breakfast        
Morning breakfast
Image Credit: pinterest Images/ BellaAlony

Breakfast is considered to be the most important meal of the day. It sets your body up for the long day ahead, giving you an energy kick in the morning. Whether you opt for eggs and toast, or choose a basic cereal, it is vital to start your day off strongly to ensure your mind is refreshed.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

'Yoga' Asanas: For Better Posture

Good posture is not just what your father scolded you for, or what your kindergarten teacher insisted you to maintain. Keeping proper posture may seem to be difficult initially but if practiced it is the easiest way to stay healthy and fit. Whether in an upright, seated position, or lying, it is important to create the least amount of stress on the body.

Research shows that compromising the body postural integrity can harm, joints and connective tissues, manifesting in pain, and even paralysis. A wrong body posture can damage and affect our body nervous tissue/organs such as spinal cord, shoulder respiration organs, and digestive system.
So, how can one ensure that they maintain the best posture?

Water the most important element of All!

“Water is the driving force of all nature.” - Leonardo da Vinci

Water!! We rarely pay attention to its enormity. Water is life. It is the one thing the world cannot survive without. Although we have realized its importance for drinking purposes, we still need to think about the quality of the water we drink. Thanks to tons of water campaigns that today people are more concerned about the quality of the water they drink.
Image credit:

We often hear people saying, "I'm dying of thirst!"

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Drawbacks of Purifying Water by Boiling

Drawbacks of Purifying Water by Boiling

How Pure is your Purified Water?

All human beings are dependent on water for their survival. Pure and clean water is the basic foundation of a healthy life. Drinking pure water helps to speed up the digestion process and helps to maintain muscles in good shape. A fresh supply of oxygen is delivered to the body when we provide it with clean water regularly. This is why the average person is required to drink about eight to ten glasses of water on a daily basis. But is the water we drink, really safe for us to consume?

Water contains 3 types of impurities: suspended impurities such as mud & sand; micro-biological impurities such as bacteria, viruses and cysts; and dissolved impurities such as salts, metals, pesticides and insecticides. Some of these may be harmful and some can also have detrimental effects on our health. It is therefore, essential for us to take effective measures to purify the water we intake.

Image Credit: Google Images

Monday, 11 November 2013

Tap Water- Danger in Every Glass


“A glass of tap water might contain millions of germs in it, whether it is from surface or underground water”.

Water is the most essential and life sustaining drink for every living being. It acts as a solvent to all bodily solutes. But it also contains traces of contaminants of physical, chemical, or microbiological nature which when consumed can be life threatening to our health resulting in innumerable diseases.
Image credit:

Pollutants in Fruits and Vegetables

Pollutants in Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are one of the most important ingredients that we consume for our survival. One cannot imagine cooking curry without vegetables, can we? And fruits can surely help avoid doctors. Mostly, people wash fruits, vegetables and meat before preparing salad, consuming them raw or cooking. But what is unknown to many people is the fact that they are not entirely free from pollutants even after soaking and fully cleaning them with water. The risk still remains and these pollutants have a very harmful and adverse effect on our health.

Now, if we have a lawn or garden, we might be able to cultivate the best crops for our own needs and if it is organic, it can benefit us by providing food security & taking care of the environment. But in cities, such cases are very rare as one has very little space and having a garden may sound an alien concept. Cities are also highly polluted and plants grown in such contaminated soil can affect the general health of the public in a negative way. 
Image Credit:

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Different Types of Water Filtration Technologies

Different Types of Water Filtration Technologies

"Water, water everywhere, but not a single drop to drink." 

A more apt statement for these times might be, "Water, water everywhere, but is it safe to drink?" And if it's not, what is a reliable water filtration process?

In a country as large and vibrant as India, development workers operate in knowledge-rich environments where continuous experimentation and implementation of innovative ideas go on. While some of the knowledge is shared, much of the larger pool knowledge gained through these experiences remains in danger of being forgotten.

So here we are, discussing most commonly used water filtration technologies, namely Boiling, UV filtration, RO and Mineral RO.

Boiling. The simplest method to purify water is probably Boiling. In this we need to bring the water to a full boil for at least five minutes to be safe, with some experts recommending an even longer time. The positive of this method is that it kills the bacteria and viruses present in water. However, the down side is that it does not eliminate dissolved impurities and chemical  pollutants and particles such as sand and insects continue to remain in boiled water! Boiling also requires lots of fuel and cooking equipment and removes the oxygen, so the water ends up tasting khaara.

Saturday, 9 November 2013

World’s Best Hot Springs

1. Puyuhuapi, Chile

Puyuhuapi Springs, located in the Ventisquero Inlet, is one of the most recognized places for national and foreign tourists. In cold weather of 9 ºC, the water reaches up to 80ºC. Springs are a great time to visit and rest. It is said the properties of water are good for the skin and rheumatical problems. This hot spring is also famous for hiking, sea kayak, canoe, swimming, photography.

Friday, 8 November 2013

World’s 5 most amazing Water Parks

Want to choose the best fun-thrilling and heart-pumping water slides in the world to beat that stress away. Whether you are a daredevil or just want to relax with your family, these five water parks selected by us hopefully will be helpful in making a decision for your vacations.

Rank 5
World Waterpark (Alberta, Canada)

Edmonton, Canada is home to one of the largest shopping malls in the world. Do not be surprised to find people totally drenched and running-screaming around you. This mall consists of world's largest Indoor World Water Park that has 85 feet high water slide, Wave Pool, Sky Screamer, and Bungee Jump Tower. 
Rank 4

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Kent "House of Purity"


Kent RO Systems Limited established in 1999, is a healthcare product company having a vision to make the world a healthy and happy place. Re-defining the meaning of purification of water, it revolutionized the country with the concept of Reverse Osmosis (RO) technology. Kent ensures the satisfaction of a common person  of consuming 100% safe, tasty, and pure water, and takes the pride in calling itself ‘The House of Purity’.

Kent has evolved over the years, as the market leader in providing technologically advanced healthcare products ranging from Water Purifiers, Air Purifiers, Vegetable & Fruit Purifiers to Water Softener.

 Kent is ISO 9001:2008 certified and has been the first to achieve NSF and WQA certificates in India, Backed by innovative technology and laboratory-tested products, we develop solutions that provide purity in the most expedient manner

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Healthy Recipe :- Banana Ice-cream

 Ever thought of having a Delicious Homemade Ice cream that contains less calories than
ordinary Ice cream?

Here's a simple homemade recipe for low-fat Banana Ice Cream.

That is Healthy-Quick-Low in Calories and does not require added sugar and/or dairy products! (Best for lactose intolerant people)

Lets compare the dark secret of ordinary Ice cream and Homemade Banana Ice Cream. A Homemade Ice cream consists of 105 kcal calories whereas ordinary ice cream consists of 216 kcal. 
An Ordinary Ice cream have cholesterol, sodium and potassium that are harmful for the body along with saturated and monounsaturated fat that adds a layer of fat on internal organs. Whereas, a homemade banana ice creams is free of cholesterol or sodium. Ice cream also consists of added flavors such as caffeine, sugar syrups that are harmful for throat and glands can be inflamed resulting in tonsillitis.

Nutrients and Calories Facts
Home-made Banana Chocolate Ice Cream (126g)
Ordinary Chocolate Ice-cream (100g)
105 kcal
216 kcal
31.06 g
28 g
34 g
105 kcal
267 kcal
1.48 g
3.8 g
0.3 g
11 g
4.2 g
Vitamin C
10.2 mg
Vitamin B-6
0.5 mg
Vitamin A
81 IU
10 g
0.3 mg
*Based on a 2000 calories diet

So after seeing the dark side of Ice Creams lets clear the fog and start celebrating the charm of this recipe.
For this recipe, you will definitely need a food processor. Blender is not going to churn it. Unless you have a very powerful blender!
  • 3-4 frozen sliced bananas 
  • A spoonful of peanut butter and/or Cookies
  • 2-3 tsp. Cocoa powder 
Put the bananas and the ingredients in the food processor, and blend it.
It might look bit of grainy. But keep on going. You will probably have to stop blending occasionally and push the banana down with a spatula.

Be patient with it. Initially, it seems like nothing is happening and the banana is spinning round and round. Have patience, and continue blending. After a while, of spinning, the banana at the bottom will start to get very smooth, and rest follows.  

Voilà! You have your Homemade Banana Ice cream ready!

You can add any type of topping with this Low-Cal Ice Cream:
  • Semisweet chocolate chips
  • Sliced strawberries
  • Diced mango
  • Chocolate syrup
  • Vanilla wafer cookies
If you want to keep the calories as low as possible, try flavour boosters. They are virtually calorie-free:
  • Unsweetened cocoa powder
  • Ground cinnamon
  • Freshly grated orange or lime zest

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Benefits of Water Conservation

"Water Water everywhere
But not a drop to drink!"
These lines of Coleridge seem to be so true in today’s context. Water is one of the most important natural resources available on this earth, or rather, in this whole world. We need it for every other activity in our daily lives, be it for drinking, cooking, cleaning or washing and what not!!! Yet we take water for granted most of the time, despite clearly knowing the fact that our water supply is limited. 97% of all the water on the earth is salt water which is not suitable for drinking. Only 3% of all the water is fresh water, and only 1% is available as drinking water.
Water is the very foundation meof life. As the most intelligent and responsible beings dwelling on this earth, it is our duty to conserve water and preserve its quality for our future generations. Water conservation reduces the efforts and energy required to process and deliver water, which in turn helps in reducing pollution and in conserving other natural resources. It is also the most effective and environmental friendly method to fight global warming!
Save Water 
Water conservation needs to be a way of life, not just something that we think about once in a while. We can start this from our own kitchens. For instance, when washing dishes by hand, we should not leave the water running for rinsing. If there is a double-sink, we should fill one sink with soapy water and the other with rinse water or if there is a single sink, we should gather dishes in a dish rack and rinse them with a spray or panful of hot water. For dishwashers, there is usually no need to pre-rinse the dishes. One should also ensure that the dishwasher and clothes washer should be fully loaded for optimum water conservation. Hence it is very important that we start reducing wastage by using right methods, products and appliances in our kitchens.
Kent RO Systems Ltd is one such company that is the pioneering manufacturer of products in the area of water purification and conservation. Its unique product, the Kent tap guard is a cutting-edge innovation that prevents wastage of water in the filtering process itself. Another product by Kent is the Vegetable & Fruit Purifier, which ensures water conservation along with healthy washing of vegetables and fruits without the need of running tap water. The water used for rinsing fruits and vegetables can also be reused to water houseplants.
Every drop counts. Water conservation is not a job that is limited to the scientists, hydrologist, foresters, and farmers alone. It is a personal responsibility for each of us. We all must make a conscious commitment to change our lifestyles to conserve water. Maybe one day Coleridge will be forced to change his lines altogether…
"Water Water everywhere
And every drop to drink!"